
“Anyway, though, you do have to admit that the leaked emails (and the FBI crap they pulled) and the Russian interference through social media and the like almost certainly did influence the results. I think things would have gone quite differently otherwise.”

United States v. Microsoft Corp.

I can do this literally all day.

Was it not clear the first time?

In Trumps America, anything his supporters declare illegal will be illegal.

People own cars for leaving town, driving to work from very poorly MTA serviced areas, our if they work the 3rd shift and have far to travel.

I agree.

George Carlin had something similar to say about the number of toll booths in NJ. “You can never get anywhere in New Jersey--you’re in a constant state of slowing down. By the time I get to Pennsylvania, I need a fuckin’ brake job!”

Agreed. As much as I love cars, if I lived in NYC, I’d give them up as the subway and foot power are actually faster than cars

We call my Morty “Colin Head” because of the spots on his ears.

I think they are jealous of the man to be honest. His body of work draws crowds from all walks of life, and he can do it without celebtard clickbait. I mean, I know some backwards ass redneck racists, and even they love the guy.

I’m starting to think the entirety of the former Gawker staff have a serious crush on Tyson but are pissed off it isn’t mutual.

It’s been suggested before, but we need a sarcasm modifyer. Like, we have bold and italics, now we need sarcast.

He has made several tweets in the past that have seem to upset the politically correct/sensitive crowds. It seems every few months he’ll tweet something that gets those demographics all riled up, usually stemming from their inability to ever understand sarcasm or humor.

For example, in July 2015 he had a tweet where he

Tyson made Gizmodo staff read and work, so naturally they hate him.

Tyson actually understands science, for one thing. That would be enough to piss off the barely literate 10% of commenters on here.

Yeah, I pay Netflix for the privileged of watching things in HD... watched Age of Ultron on Netflix and it was bleh quality. Downloaded the first Avengers and it was glorious.

There’s an article on the “Disney Renaissance” on wikipedia, although it doesn’t seem to discuss much about the quality of the movies produced, just their degree of commercial success.

What I find suspicious is the self rightness and self congratulations that is prevalent in all of these defenses. Makes it seem even more suspect, and isn’t usually how a truly successful people talk about their success.