
That’s been my experience, as well. There’s a host of carbonated, slightly flavored water products on the store shelves. I’ve tried several, and they’re just not palatable. I’d rather drink from the hose.

Yup. Just because historically it hasn’t held enough of the marketplace to make writing malicious code a worthwhile endeavor does not make it more secure.

I’m with you re: carbonated water. Accidentally bought a bottle of that thing while traveling in Italy (they were the same price and put together, so I didn’t notice) and oh dear... that shit tasted like death. Worst was I was really short on money so I couldn’t just throw it and buy another one :(

I don’t have issues

we had this lady who’d come through the Arby’s drive thru where I worked as a teenager, twice a day, order only ice water and then complain about it. She’d also pay for a .50 purchase with a 100.00 bill. (I suspect to break it down to smaller ones with out going to a bank) She threw her water at my pregnant assistant

I know someone who dropped their iPhone on a table top (less than 2' drop distance) and the screen cracked like someone hit it with a hammer. It was fairly hilarious as he was the only engineer in the room that used an iPhone. For comparison, I’ve had my Galaxy Note 2 for 4 years now, I’ve dropped it, soaked it, and

That’s how a self driving car would do it. Do I kill many, or swerve and kill only one?

Yeah, you probably are some shade of supertaster. From what little I read, there is a lot of individual variation in supertaster taste perception, not just in intensity but in every other way. You may be able to find out on your own if you are a supertaster:

As soon as I read this I thought “just write crump and move these buttholes along so you can work on the next customer.” If barista is moving quickly they shouldn’t even see the cup writing until the drink is done and they’re picking it up at the other counter at which point they are out of your life.

It had the appearance of a democratic process but then you look at the fact that the head of NSA has said that Drumpf’s pals in Russia did interfere in that election and maybe also the fact that the Republican head of the FBI made the unprecedented move of releasing prurient info about Clinton 5 days before the

Exactly! Literally do anything ,but refuse (which is what he’s probably banking on) so he can film the argument and start an alt right movement on twitter. This really isn’t that difficult....

Came to see/post this. Left satisfied.

Thank you for beating me to this punch!

This is the proper response

NCLB has already been basically repealed. The law was reauthorized last December with most authority handed over to states. Give it a read.

Also, when not lying he’s being impulsive with his pronouncements, which can be good when it prevents sticking with a position despite new evidence or purely due to identity/wedge politics, but makes using what he says at one moment to predict what he’ll do another impossible.

You have succinctly described how pseudo-Libertarians view the relationship of welfare contrasted against their ideal form of “capitalism”. Just add a little more tax avoidance, and you’ve written the keynote for their 2018 convention.

It sure does seem like it’s a pretty common thread among all the fringe sects of the Abrahamic religions. In the end, they’ve always been about wealth and power. The Crusades were simply held as a resource and convert gathering expedition for the Vatican, the Wahabbi have used religious violence to exert control

This exchange was great. Thanks for that.

Well Apple invented cylinders, so its a total rip off.