
Rectangles with rounded corners everywhere.

I’m with you. When my dog bumps into the night stand at 4AM, it definitely startles me, but that isn’t terror man. Its just annoying.

I live in Arizona (Phoenix specifically) and I concur. Even though rains have cooled us down to the 90s I know we are going to hit triple digits again before winter. :(

Fair point.

I think Google either loves blowing money on app development and/or just doesn’t want to be competitive in this kind of arena. There’s literally no reason why they have multiple messenger/chat apps like this.

What boggles my mind more is that this opinion has been repeated so many times over the years, I find it hard to believe they’ve not seen it and discussed it. So therefore I assume they don’t give a shit and love making shit messaging products.

Now playing

When was the America Great? During the Great Depression? During the Cold War? What bullshit grass is greener scenario is Trump promising to recreate?

Now playing

The good ol’ days are simply a nostalgia for an illusory sense of American purity. Everybody knew their place. The foreign elements were marginalized or outright expelled. There were those who belonged and those who were the other.

I like this designation a lot. He represents a fundamental shift backwards in the progress this country has made. The striving for a more perfect union isn’t just a platitude. It is something that can be measured in the blood of those who payed for it. People have fought and died for religious freedom, free speech, to

I think it is important to repeatedly emphasize Trump does not represent modern conservatism as we have come to know it historically. The GOP has metastasized into a full-on personality cult and is now a delivery system for White Supremacists and other fringe-right wing ideologies into mainstream politics. The raging

I think selky and I think this:

The 25 hours is all her. The 2 minutes is all you. ;)

These are the same people that are also perfectly fine with taking the choice of the headphone jack away.

You need more stars on this. I can’t tell you how many people falsely say this garbage of science and absolutes.

I considered joining Bing Rewards once, but a quick search showed that EXACTLY this happens to pretty much every person who signs up; it actually doesn’t matter about your search habits...when it’s time for you to claim a reward, Microshaft automatically assumes you’re a bot. Then they drag their feet for a couple

Yeah, Microsoft has been taking some extremely shitty decisions lately...

Stop exhibiting intelligence in this comment section! You're gonna break the Kinja!

I so need this game. Reminds me of Fallout 2 stories and experiences. Slavers, porno sets. Good times.

Sadly, I still have a liking for Coke but prefer the one made with sugar not the corn syrup. The difference in taste is quite remarkable, specially with vanilla ice cream mixed in.

We just started watching Stranger Things. It’s like freebasing 80's movie nostalgia! We only saw 2 episodes, so far. It’s only 8 episodes, and we don’t want to burn through them.