
i see no reason not to. It much safer this way to use a robot them to put another officers life at risk. They’ve already lost 5 that night.

Exactly this. He said he had a bomb, and standard procedure is to detonate suspected bombs with explosives. Even if they had knocked him out with tear gas, the area was still unsafe to retrieve the unconscious body. They did what needed to be done in the situation, and I don't see this happening again unless an

It has the potential to save many lives.


I actually found the solution recently, and it’s something that makes sense even though it’s fairly passive-aggressive of Kinja to do: It’s Adblock that’s causing you to be unable to star comments.


Same here. Two desktops and two laptops. Zero issues everything works including my video editing software which was finicky on 7.

I feel like the Year of the Linux people have the same mind set as the Year of Ron Paul people.

This, right here. I cleaned out all the crap on my hard drive, backed up everything in case of migration issues (which is a thing that can happen with any migration), and had no issues with the upgrade.

On the other hand my two less-PC-competent friends had issues and immediately jumped back to Win7/8 like frightened

Yeah I upgraded to 10 and didn’t lose anything. I’m sure his issue is legitimate, but there’s just so much fear mongering about Windows 10 these days. I remember the other day a friend refused to upgrade to Windows 10 because his old computer had it “for over a year” and it didn’t work well. When I told him Windows 10

People love to make up horror stories about windows 10, when in reality most of them never even tried it. I find windows 10 amazing, and if you look at benchmarks you will find that 10 definitely does perform ahead of 7 and 8.1. I think the people who genuinely do have problems with windows 10 have them because they

Oh snap!

At the racist notary. Look, I don’t make the racism notary rules, I just report on them.

for sure I already live in the jungle here in NOLA.

Yeah. I mean, it would have been fine for them to be like ‘Well, we need to mount an expedition to actually confirm the kid’s findings’ cause that would just be solid science, but for them to be like ‘nah, this is bullshit’ right off the bat is incredibly dickish.

“We didn’t think of it first so you’re wrong and you suck!” - “Experts” on the subject

Right, but then science has a history of being dicks when reviewing results. The ego is thick in those circles. Doesn’t need to be that way, but it is.

Sour grapes much. Hey experts, what did you do when you were 15?

Seriously, they’re like internet trolls. 51 year old man tells a 15 year old kid that his announcement is junk... Sounds like a grump!