
why does every iphone comment have to start a flame war of hate....wait, you replied in a mature and logical manner..?! I honestly never thought i’d see this. long live phones being boring!

Exactly. The government can’t stop him from speaking, but the people who have rented the facility can remove him for disrupting someone else’s speech.

This, right here, is the answer.

You miss an important point: even if it WASN’T a forgery (which most scholars have believed since at least the 1800s), Joesphus wasn’t even born until five or ten years after the ostensible death of Jesus. The very, very best he could have done is to repeat the stories other people had told him (many of whom were

i was wondering how this wasn’t mentioned in the article

I came here to post this exact same clip with the exact same comment. I'd just add we all know how it turned out...

Yes, and you clearly stated it, those are the risks. I am not going to say a 16-17 year old doesn’t know better. They do, they are old enough to know.

Ditto. They really could have a question on the first launch of the app:
“Do you want to save money and not stream in 1080p? y/n”

The net brings out the worst parts of ourselves sometimes. I’m even guilty of that sometimes. It’s only my opinion that matters and anyone who disagrees with me is 100% wrong.

I agree as well. Couldn’t the ‘backdoor key’ be created but law enforcement need a warrant to search the device? I think those opposed to it aren’t thinking things all the way through. They are framing this as binary; either you have told encryption or the FBI has carte blanche with anyones data. I don’t think this

Theres a line all salesman should be taught at a young age, “I dont know the answer to that problem but ill find someone who does and find it out for you.”

Why are you even attempting to debate this guy? He’s the person, who on another article, claimed that everyone would be perfectly healthy if we all went vegan. He’s a nut job.

Stop with your demanding proof. PROVEN solution does not mean that SheldonPlankton has proof unless it is the truthiness coming from deep inside his gut. Havent you seen how disease free and perfect specimens of humanity comes from India - after centuries and centuries of contorting with Yoga.

Take care, i sense fanboys ALL around here...

Uhg - this argument is driving me crazy! I totally agree with Diviance here. It seems to me that 1) Apple has the ability to unlock this phone, and 2) Apple has the ability to unlock this phone without handing a perpetual backdoor solution to the FBI. The underlying issue here - I think - is “I don’t trust the FBI to

stop arguing, these people don’t understand the difference.

people are just too pussified nowadays and have to cry about everything. Thats what happens when your raised to complain about everything you dont agree with.

Absolutely. There are dozens of daily flights between Dallas and Houston, and all of them require users to drive to and from relatively far-flung airports. People will eat up downtown-to-downtown fast rail service.

Exactly. There is too much competition on the internet to take a good thing and twist it up.

I loved my Zune.