
True, women have such feeble brains that complex tasks like recognizing their own children is quite beyond them. Best leave that sort of detail work to the men.

Don’t bother. This clown used “libtard” unironically. He’s gonna vote stupid no matter what you tell him.

“Here’s your child back, safe and sound!”

Just get rid of all Greek life on campus. Not one redeemable quality or benefit that you couldn't get doing something else.

Thank you. I shower in the shower. I dry myself outside the shower. Why is that so hard?

It took Christianity 280 years to go from a Judean hippy cult into the religion of Roman Emperors.

Thank you. People seriously need to get out more.

Oh, I will definitely be checking. That shit’s too expensive to just buy on a whim.

Japanee. Japa-Nee.
Sounds KA-WA-I-I. Desu ne? wwwwww

This is a real slap in the face to people like me who payed £50 to buy this at launch, especially since I lost interest in it after about six hours and never went back.

Oh man now that’s entertaining. For a moment I thought we were in the 90s again.

I don’t know, it doesn’t seem arbitrary at all...

I applaud your herculean efforts to argue with the metric blowhard.

No kidding, it’s like saying that we can’t build an airplane simply because we don’t understand why gravity works.

The big problem I see here is that when they say “there is no credible evidence” what they mean to say is that there is no evidence that they can understand.

Exactly, it seems foolish to also spend so much money defending interests outside of the CUS while devoting such a relatively small amount to improving these technologies.

I’ve been reading many of your comments to these folks and thank you for doing the work that I’m too angry to do! It’s good to have a levelheaded


his tax policy was based around the 9-9-9 tax system of simcity lol

Exactly. Too many people are viewing this as a black and white issue. He’s either a hero or a traitor. Honestly, he’s a little of both. I would have no problem with Snowden if he only released information about an illegal government program. But that’s not all he did. He released a shit ton of classified information

Can vouch for this, as I support them as well. Almost every time one comes in it is a painful experience.