
My counterpoint “Cilantro tastes disgusting”

It’s interesting you say that. First, holy shit right? Second, for some reason the lightness of it never bothered me, yet the sixaxis a controller that is also very light really bothered me for feeling too light and cheap. By some work of magic, Nintendo was able to make it light yet substatial. I used to think the

It’s interesting you say that. First, holy shit right? Second, for some reason the lightness of it never bothered

That was great fun! You’d spawn as a monster, kill other mobs to gain levels, jump around a bit to ‘group’ up with other people playing as monsters, then murder poor newbies that were just trying to level their characters.

These are the same people that took 30 years to realize a four door Jeep Wrangler would be a good idea.

They have addressed any patent issues already, say it will work with most cases etc. BUT, I wonder if it’ll effect the fast charging some phone have if using the original Samsung charger. (On Sammy Note 4 for instance). I’ll buy one once it’s to market anyway because Apple had it right on MagSafe which this is similar

+1 they addressed it already and aren’t in any violation.

They specifically addressed it and it’s not in violation.

“Snow White and the 7000 Dwarf Planets.”

I’m guessing they will have to compromise on the A/C after the testing phase. Unless I’m missing some revolutionary tech, there’s no way natural air is going to cool an office, even less so a server farm.

Yeah, you got that right, you could be a channer lol. But yeah, that makes sense, Reddit (or any other website) isnt gonna be for everyone.

IIRC this idea was floated around on /r/PCMasterrace before several enterprising Redditors created a thread about Project Ascension (the name even comes from the PC Master Race term for “upgrading your PC”), banded together, and started running with the idea. I wish them the best of luck!

See, we’re pretty close on this.

General Lee speaking... fixed that for you ;)

God I hate that wording. I get the feeling they 1) do not want to say what kind of nag screen there will be and 2) want to keep it vague because if everyone gets this “final build” and a license is still required, they basically have tricked everyone into using a crippled OS and have to pony up for a license.

Which is

LOL yeah, pretty much sums up its commercial life in a nutshell.

Burn him! BURN HIM!

Yeah - I’ve toggled back and forth from Android to Apple about 5 times in the last 5 years, because inevitably little issues end up bugging the sh!t out of me until I switch again.

Now playing

“...Not sure what she would make of random barking, though.”

Until the fox starts calling all your ex-girlfriends.