
Cool, then don’t eat out. Taking it out on the waiters makes you an asshole.

You’re not Mr. Pink from Resevoir Dogs.

You’re being precious. If there’s a problem, say so, if the waiter doesn’t take care of it, ask for a manager.

I mean, it is how it works. If they make insufficient tips, the employer needs to make up the difference to get to minimum wage.

It is a certainty. The government body running the lottery is a member of that group. If no one else wins, they do. Though technically they win either way, considering taxes.

Oh, the odds are definitely on your side. Don’t mistake what I said for me thinking that anyone reading this website would win... but nonetheless, someone does eventually always win (although “win” can be a strong word in many cases, considering how much it tends to shatter the lives of idiots).

It can also buy you things that make you happy. Like hobby equipment, a place to live, food...

Someone wins eventually. I mean, yeah, the odds of it being you are incredibly astronomical... and those who do win often end up being worse off than they were before.

I have no memory of ever having had the flu. By that, I mean I have no memory of having the symptoms of the flu.

I would actually enjoy it more if it was more similar to something like Dynasty Warriors, just slaughtering tons of mooks to feel awesome. I mean, sure, they can keep the fanservicey, pervy stuff, I don’t care one way or the other... but for some reason just running around massacring tons of enemies at once is oddly

He may be a questionable person but that doesn’t make shows like The Big Bang Theory suck. There are a lot of shows I don’t get why they are popular (like, say, CSI or The Walking Dead) but just because I don’t personally like them doesn’t mean they are shit shows.

I wonder if the live action remake will leave out all of the “Allah” references from the animated film.

I am ok with this.

If Diablo 3 is mediocre, then D1 and D2 were garbage. Because D3 is drastically superior in basically every way.

I wish I could say otherwise and remain honest...

Well, the US had a good run.  When the government becomes too broken and corrupt to function in the way it was originally meant to function, it is time for an empire to fall.

I have no memories of being burned by one, no. And yes, a small minority of vocal users. People who don’t have problems don’t tend to talk about it. And there are millions upon millions of people who aren’t talking, so how can it be anything but a tiny minority?

Windows isn’t garbage. It is still, and will likely remain so for an indeterminate amount of time, the best option for the majority of computer owners.

None of the ones linked in this article are funny at all.

It is amazing how you can put it on an open wound and it is just a kind of “well, that kinda stings, I guess...” but you put a fraction of a drop in your eye and you almost want to die.