
Your fear of the natural world combined with your belief that you can control my body makes you a fascist which you denied and are now proven a liar.

So using a for-profit corporation’s product shouldn’t be my choice?

Nope. Still absurd.

You are trying to force everyone else to deal with your anti-vaxxer nonsense that only causes harm to others.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.


There are actually several types of flu vaccine. There is the LAIV version, for example, which means Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine. The LAIV was mostly discontinued a few years ago, but it was reformed for this upcoming flu season. It is a nasal vaccine, so it isn’t a shot.

Last year was about 36% effective.  Most years are better.  This one should be, they have changed some stuff.

The fun with the flu is that you can actually be infected and “sick” with the flu... without even knowing it.  Some people react differently to the virus, their immune response is different, and they feel no different when infected.  But they can still pass it in to everyone around them.  Basically an unwitting

Amusingly enough, I bet they have had the flu. Maybe even every single year.

I am assuming you are a poe.

Profit is necessary from vaccination, it helps fund research into improving existing vaccines and creating other ones.

It is basically a dating site for incels.

I have no memory of ever having had the flu. By that, I mean I have no memory of having the symptoms of the flu.

I want to make an account on one, provide no personal information and have only the words “Goin’ Muddin’” in the profile.  See if I get messages.

This game sounds fun.

The very first sentence of their tagline contradicts itself.

I would actually enjoy it more if it was more similar to something like Dynasty Warriors, just slaughtering tons of mooks to feel awesome. I mean, sure, they can keep the fanservicey, pervy stuff, I don’t care one way or the other... but for some reason just running around massacring tons of enemies at once is oddly

He may be a questionable person but that doesn’t make shows like The Big Bang Theory suck. There are a lot of shows I don’t get why they are popular (like, say, CSI or The Walking Dead) but just because I don’t personally like them doesn’t mean they are shit shows.

I wonder if the live action remake will leave out all of the “Allah” references from the animated film.