
Making a decent UI is apparently difficult for these streaming services.

I wouldn’t be surprised.


What they are doing is listening to everything the pirates are complaining about... and then doing all of that.  Just all of it.  If a pirate in Russia complained about it, they are doing it.

I love how these companies complain about piracy... and then do exactly what the pirates complain about in response.

If the same software engineers who work on the firmware for their gateways is working on this, I don’t have high hopes for it being worth the drive space it takes up.

I am ok with this.

If Diablo 3 is mediocre, then D1 and D2 were garbage. Because D3 is drastically superior in basically every way.

Bah, integration with G+ made the comment system so much better in basically every way.  Then they removed it and now it is back to being awful again.

It isn’t.

I think I can sum up my response to every claim you have made here as “I don’t agree with you whatsoever.”

Au contraire, I would say. Kneejerkingly jumping to the defense of very unpopular things (such as win10 forced updates - and make no mistake, this feature is very unpopular) is a very trollish thing to do.

Trolling is a very specific thing. A very specific thing I am not doing.

Oh look, a personal attack rather than a refutation.  How special.  Go upstairs and ask your mother how proud she is of you.

If something works for 99% of users, then while it is an issue for some... it is basically negligible. It isn’t a stupid counter-argument, it is a completely valid one. Like it or not.

And yet more skilled refutations and debate.

I wish I could say otherwise and remain honest...

Nice refutation. You have shown a wondrous ability with words and you are a skilled debater.

Because the world is comprised of more than just you.

Your choice. I have neither the ability nor inclination to force anything upon you.