
It wouldn’t be forced if MS didn’t choose to force updates onto its users. Fuck them. It’s my PC; I should get to decide what it should do, not fucking Redmond. Eat shit, Microsoft.

I have no issues with anything you have said. Windows 7 was an excellent OS, no doubt about that. It was heaven compared to XP.

You undoubtedly do get those notices unless you changed a setting you did not mean to.

And yet, it remains a vocal minority.

Saying it does what it tells you to do, as long as you don’t try to tell it to do the things you want, it to stop doing the things you don’t want, is some pretty damn terrible logic; by that logic, an abusive boyfriend who beats you every day does what you tell him to (as long as you don’t try to tell him not to beat

Yes, but until Microsoft pays me, their software shouldn’t be doing anything to my machine I explicitly do not want it doing, either. I haven’t licensed my computer to Microsoft for use as a development test-bed, nor have I sold them any rights to modify files or software against my explicit wishes.


Windows 10 does do what you tell it to do, you just can’t tell it to not update unless you are using a version you clearly aren’t.  Enjoy Windows 7 because your time frame for using it securely is slowly but surely disappearing.

Well, the US had a good run.  When the government becomes too broken and corrupt to function in the way it was originally meant to function, it is time for an empire to fall.

Well, it does matter. You may have paid for a license to use it but that is all it extends to. That license does not necessarily correlate to the ability to make it do anything you want it to.

Ah, yes, I usually don’t read the twitter things on articles. Slipped my notice.

People with actual problems remain a vocal minority, though. And that is kind of the crux... the computer is yours but the software, unless you wrote it yourself, isn’t.

It is good they pulled the update... but one must wonder how it got past the insiders program if this was an issue like that. Someone had to have noticed it.

You can blame all of the people who stupidly refused or were ignorant of updates in previous Windows versions causing significant issues for it. For the majority of people, making the updates mandatory is quite important for security purposes.

I have no memories of being burned by one, no. And yes, a small minority of vocal users. People who don’t have problems don’t tend to talk about it. And there are millions upon millions of people who aren’t talking, so how can it be anything but a tiny minority?

Windows isn’t garbage. It is still, and will likely remain so for an indeterminate amount of time, the best option for the majority of computer owners.

None of the ones linked in this article are funny at all.

It is amazing how you can put it on an open wound and it is just a kind of “well, that kinda stings, I guess...” but you put a fraction of a drop in your eye and you almost want to die.

Jokes about anything are ok. Welcome to dark comedy.

Oh, I know how unnoticeable it can be.  It took me days before I noticed it wasn’t just one of my extensions changing icons.