
Do you have a picture set for your Google account?  Because it uses that.  If you don’t, that is what it shows.

That depends upon how you block the number and it depends upon what you use for messaging.

Well, checking the voicemail is a matter of seconds these days, so not really a time sink.  And you never know, it might be something important... I mean, it almost never has been, but still.

Oh, quite possibly.  But I don’t really mind.  If they really need to contact me, they can just text.

For me it has been super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Sounds like something you might want to test run somewhere before rolling it out to everyone.

If anything, making stuff like shrooms and pot legal would only lessen any dangers they have. You won’t get nasty shit being mixed in (at least, you shouldn’t) to bulk up the product to rip you off.

I can agree with marijuana (and milder, non-dangerous things like shrooms) but some drugs are flat out incredibly dangerous. To the user and those around the user. Meth, cocaine and the like are very dangerous substances, even when compared to alcohol. Not to mention wildly addictive.

I like how it “will” change. Not it might or it could... it fucking will.

I vote to legalize pot, despite not drinking alcohol or smoking anything, because I simply don’t understand how something that isn’t as harmful as alcohol or tobacco can be illegal while those are legal.

Mayo is the worst condiment.  Inedible garbage.

I will consider caring when they announce it for PC.

Couldn’t get more than like 45 seconds into the first video because it kept cutting shots every like 3 seconds.  Annoying as hell.

For the price of these higher end racing style gaming chairs, you can get a used Aeron or something that will be drastically superior in longevity and better ergonomics.

It was two different incidents, unrelated to one another. The habanero from accidentally rubbing eyes, the peroxide from it somehow ending up in my contact lense holder (I suspect a prank and I suspect a person, but I lack the evidence to hurt them very badly in return).

I have had hydrogen peroxide and habanero juice in my eye before.

Maybe I do.

I mean, yeah, sure... if you hate yourself and goodflavor, then vegan tacos are amazing.

I never said you couldn’t eat it?

I mean, if you can’t eat two of the main ingredients of something... maybe that thing isn’t for you?