
I guess when Trump said he would make America great again, he meant he would make our air quality as “great’ as Beijing.

You think it will bury its competition?  Carve off a bit of the market for itself?

Technicalities, yes... but what in law isn’t?

I fucking don’t. I order it the way I like it cooked. Because that is how things work.

Man, it is a good thing there are tons of women photographers in that circle or that would be incredibly creepy.

All food industry is a customer service industry by definition. All of it. I am not speaking from a position of ignorance at all.

The food industry is a customer service industry in its entirety. If the restaurant is not willing to, you know, serve the customer... then it is not the customer who is wrong. Whether fine dining or the garage burger joint down the street.

It is not a matter of being “challenged”. I am not going to spend a decent chunk of change on something I know, for a fact, I will not like. Something that will actually make me feel just a little sick to my stomach just looking at it.

Buddy, nobody can have more experience in your taste buds than you. If you don’t like medium-rare then that is the wrong way to cook it for you. Experience is irrelevant when the person who eats it fucking hates it.

“How it should be”.

Which is more disrespectful...

The taste of a professional is still entirely their own... just because they find it excellent does not mean someone else does.

The concept of “wrong” doesn’t even exist when it comes to taste. If the “right” method tastes like shit to someone, then what the hell makes it “right”? That someone else likes it? That is just bonkers.

I can’t deny the better beard.

I am pretty sure that is a word for word summation of what I said.

I never said Edison was a good person just that he didn’t kill Topsy.

He had some pretty good inventions of his own, including the fluoroscopy.  That thing has been pretty important in medical work for a century.

If we do, they will not be controlled by humans because we can’t even manage driving on an essentially flat plane.

Edison’s design was not based on Swan’s, according to historians, they were developed independently.

He didn’t. Edison didn’t have anything to do with Topsy. His company was contracted to provide the electricity and his “media” company wanted to film it for posterity or some such.