
The light bulb itself predates both of them, they just had workable commercial models.

That comic is something I would take as tongue in cheek, it is not particularly accurate for either side. Something the author himself has said.

Popcorn ceilings are the worst anyway.

Well, at least one country got the colors right.  It is a start.

“How do you know what a witch would say?!”

Followed half a second later by...


Weird how the general connotations of those two colors holds true in that map...

Not Ted Cruz, you say?

There are “abandoned bases” with those Whispering Eggs on many planets. Just use some Navigation Data with your Signal Booster to find, uh.. I believe it is under Distress Signals. Should come across one eventually. Might be Habitable Signals, I forget.

AOSP is the same thing as Android, minus the Google stuff. There are a few companies who build a custom variant of Android on it that doesn’t run Google stuff by default.

I find what the restaurant did to be perfectly acceptable and quite reasonable.

Why would you think a restaurant wouldn’t have cameras everywhere just like any other business?  They have to protect against the same kinds of people, too.

Cool jackets, I am just surprised they are finally showing Vegeta in SSG mode.

They do have the option. AOSP. I don’t see any grounds for anti-trust when another valid option exists and they can freely choose it.

Those are hardly the only companies that make decent routers.

All Android phones running Google Services are Google phones. You might see Google apps outside of phones running Google services, but that is because they make their stuff available on other OS’s.

The greatest dog, objectively, is one that lives at least 100 miles out of audible range.  Another continent entirely would be preferable.

Man, that sure was an attempt that ended up going nowhere, wasn’t it.

It, uh, is Android?  Android Open Source Project?  It is the Android OS, minus all of the Google stuff.