
They should be relevant, though. They are the ones paying for it.

They are only requiring it if they use the Google Services version of Android. They could have just, you know... used AOSP. Which is freely available.

Of course they have credibility.  Android didn’t start where it was, they built it up over time.  Any other company can try to do the same.

That is what I find funny about this whole thing.  They are being sued... for doing what people want them to do.  Nobody wants to buy a phone and then have to go install an app store from somewhere and then go find all of the basic shit like a browser.

It is only required if they want to use Google Play Services.

Right?  Big difference between putting basically unnoticeable bible verses in obscure locations while treating your employees very well and treating your employees like McDonald’s while funding homosexual oppression.

The mere existence of Samsung phones with all of the Samsung stuff also installed makes this whole lawsuit clearly a cashgrab.  It is nonsense.

Star Citizen” is never going to come out. I am sure something will eventually be released... but it definitely won’t be the “Star Citizen” that people were promised.

Every company keeps going off and putting their own shows only on their own streaming network that they charge quite a bit of.

Actually its the only thing of relevance since the entire point was originally an attempt to convince that we are somehow handicapped by this decision. ..and we are not.

Sure ya have. I totally believe you. ..and whether thats sarcastic or not, it doesnt matter. At a minimum your experience is not the same as mine. The assertion that originated my posts, that staying on win7 has in some way handicapped my gaming is just false.

I and another kid may or may not have installed Sub7 on every computer we could find and messed with them when in computer class.

I have played hundreds of games on Windows 10, never had a crash that was the fault of the OS (and not the game... which did happen, some of the games were not the best quality). All I can say is don’t blame the OS for things that are not its fault.

I mean, there is a difference between handling something and handling it well.

I don’t know what games you are playing that there is a constant flux of different people saying their “windows 10 crashed again”, but I am going to guess... they don’t actually exist. Windows 10 is more stable than Windows 7 overall.

Oh, good, not just me then.

I might compress that list into “Fuck people”, myself.

First season, tenth episode.  Plays near the end of the episode.

I modded my original xbox... to run XBMC so I could take my entire collection of movies (ripped from my own discs) somewhere easily and in a relatively small package.

Like a jigsaw puzzle done by a boy with a pair of scissors, it all fits.