
Which is a shame, I enjoyed the hell out of N3 1 and 2.

“If you don’t eat things the way I like to eat them, your taste buds are retarded. I am the arbiter of all things food.”

There is, as of this time, no evidence that he had said gun on him. If he did pull a gun, that would be the time to disengage so that you don’t start a fucking shoot out in a public place with people all over. You know, the very thing many police stations are training their officers in doing for the last some odd

Uh, well, I don’t think I agree. It is better to be poor according to Jesus, after all, and he didn’t have any issues with owning people as property (slavery).

I would question the statement of “protecting the law abiding citizens” when he discharged his firearm while running and in close proximity to said law abiding citizens.

There is no clear evidence that he did, in fact, have said gun and pull it out before being shot.

That... didn’t exactly answer my question, but its fine I will look it up when I get time.

Well, now, did Trump himself do it... or was it done during his administration? Two different things.

Pretty sure you could replace every headline about Trump with “Trump does stupid shit” and it would be accurate every single time.

Seems easier to setup a PiHole and use that to block any IP’s you don’t want connecting.

Illogical. Bandwidth is dirt cheap, you could download terabytes a month and the ISP wouldn’t even notice the cost.

Mine. They are my dreams.

I worked at Gamestop during that time as well. I tried to sell the callers a pre-order for the “Green Box” (The Half-Life Orange Box knockoff). They eventually would just hang up if I was the one who answered and bother everyone else who worked there instead. Ah, memories.

Standard Fallout game with co-op? Cool.

Disgaea games getting brought to PC, Tales series is slowly being brought to PC... dreams do come true, albeit in a somewhat buggy way sometimes.

Weird how authors of web novels from China don’t really get treated like this when they insert wildly racist stuff against Japan in their stories.

Wait, what? It is climate change for both.

I prefer when temps aren’t incredibly high. I have other, better things to do than ogle some random woman in a sundress.

And this is why I bought a router from people who will actually update it regularly without me having to visit some website to download and update it manually.

I mean, you could just use the manual password generator built into Dashlane? You can disable or enable options and change the length to whatever.