
Why don’t I see you making similar comments on Breitbart, Fox and the like?

I don’t really need a podcast to know that the best way to deal with rude people is to remove them from your presence.  Can’t be rude if they aren’t there.

Halfway between truth and lie is still a lie.

I am not sure diversifying into another medium that is going increasingly digital is the smart move.

Political views are not character. Political views are opinions. Opinions can be educated, uneducated and selfish or self-less, but if you chose to kick someone out for their opinion you are starting a shit-storm.

She is serving customers, as soon as she brings her own political views into her business actions especially against person with opposing political views it becomes a news-worthy story.

I am not saying you are the hardcore leftist(willing to take violent actions towards the opposing group), but those who are are equally as damaging to the society as the hardcore right wing fans.

Not allowing them to eat at an establishment is not a punishment, it simply isn’t a reward... and you don’t reward harmful behavior.  Nazism is fundamentally a different thing and I suspect you know it.

Well, no, they can’t just do “whatever”, there are restrictions. Political affiliation and content of one’s character are not on that list of restrictions, though. As they shouldn’t be.

You fundamentally misunderstand the vast, vast majority of the other side and their point of view if you think they don’t like some one as a person because of their skin color or sexual orientation.

Your right because being gay and forcing that same belief upon others is called fascism. But you dont see it that way.

It is awkward but not for the reasons you think.

Well, congrats on assuming that makes a country civilized, but that isn’t how it works here.  If I don’t want to serve people who support a monster in human form, that is my right.

I didn’t complain?

I have no moral qualms with removing a person I dislike as a person. I have moral qualms with removing a person if I just don’t like their skin color or their sexual orientation.

Business is indeed business but I see no particular problem with removing someone from an establishment if I dislike them, as a person, enough. I mean, I probably wouldn’t let that Subway guy Jared eat in my place, either. It is, after all, my business. If I don’t want someone there, they won’t be there.

Only one way to find out.

Well, people who find it ridiculous.  Which I don’t.

Political stances and lying to the public are not protected groups.  That is precisely how the laws work.

Nope, not at all. I am completely for what happened to her.