
If you guessed that I stand on the side of the gay couple, congratulations! You guessed correctly.

That is correct, they are legally allowed to do so.  But it does violate the rules on Yelp, so they will just get taken down, so it is really just wasted effort on their part.  These nonsensical Yelp bashing parties ultimately never do anything.

Eh, I doubt it would cause much of an issue anyway. Chick-fil-a didn’t go under despite being run by some awful people doing awful things. I am pretty sure I can kick out one of the least liked people in the country and survive in this thought experiment.

To be fair, if they are the type of people who are no longer willing to visit my establishment after I kicked out someone who does things like Sarah there...

Yes...?  The law is what the law currently is.  I may not approve of the missing protections but I, alone, can do nothing about it.  Not to mention it wasn’t even a part of the actual topic, so... why would I bring it up?

Uh, yeah, a business can ask someone to leave the premises for basically any reason they want so long as it isn’t discriminating against a protected group. I would do the same thing as the restaurant, if I owned it.

Tipping culture is awful. If someone doesn’t tip, they become an asshole... which is ridiculous. They shouldn’t be getting pissed off at the person not tipping, they should be getting pissed off at the company not properly paying their employees.

They are paid to do something. If they simply do what they are being paid to do, how is it the action of an asshole to not give them more money for doing their job?

Zero percent unless you feel like they did something worth a tip.  Giving people extra money for doing their job is the most ridiculous concept.

Well, if people won’t work as servers for minimum wage only... then places will simply have to pay them more if they want servers.

I am with you.  Fuck tipping, it only came about to screw people over anyway.  Other countries don’t have this tipping culture and they do just fine.

Then all I can say is that you are doing it wrong.

It tells me you like the taste of aldehydes.

Or how you know you are.

People who claim cilantro doesn’t taste soapy are making it up.

“Programmed”.  We aren’t apps.  We would be genetically predisposed to disliking it, not programmed.

Are the Taliban Muslim?

The point is that the people that did those things weren’t Christian ether.

Corrupt politicians?

You say that like Christianity doesn’t have a thousand-plus year old reputation for being, you know, a gigantic terrorist organization.