
Pretend I bothered to repeat what you said back at you, but with the bulb types swapped.

And yet, I have over 40 lights in my house switched to LED’s (got them from EarthLED several years ago at this point) and I haven’t had to replace a single one in years. Maybe Cree bulbs just kinda... suck?

Every single light in my house is a daylight LED. Well, technically the light in my bedroom is an RGB LED that can also output daylight color, but semantics.

Staffers now attend mandatory sexual harassment training

Poor guy just can’t be the best in anything.

Seeing something pretty and wanting it isn’t being visionary. Crows do that.

Absolute nonsense.

Ignoring that you tried an HP machine, kinda bottom of the barrel... I have never used a trackpad that wasn’t hot garbage. From anyone. They all suck. They are just an awful, awful way to control a computer.

“Execute cleanly”.

I... know?

I think Xerox would have something to say about that.

I can’t answer about Photos without knowing what you use it for... and if you know what you use it for, you can simply Google it.

I have had too many Apple products in my hands to have a high opinion of their products... and my opinion of the company in general has been terrible since the 90's. Jobs was a fucking dick and didn’t do shit except market. Which, granted, he was good at... Even Edison did more at his company.

More than I can count?

And Apple products have things they copied from other companies, that is really how things turn out. Someone does something that people like and companies jump on it.

It ran Windows 8.1, I haven’t bothered to try 10... but it should, with some tweaking. It was a pretty good workstation for its time. I would go check right now but it weighs a ton and sounds like a jet engine... maybe later.

I have never once seen this happen... on hundreds of different machines and on every version of Windows since 98SE (not including ME because not showing drives now and again was hardly the issue with that).

You could just, you know... google it?

Which most other decent laptop companies have... and theirs looks nicer.

Cool. If it worked for you, enjoy it. I don’t really care what someone else uses their money on.