
Huh. I live in a what I would call either a large town or a very small city (like 50,000 people or so?) and my options for burgers are... Meteor Burger, In n’ Out, Five Guys, McDonald’s (four of them, it is ridiculous), Burger King, Wendy’s, Culver’s, Steak and Shake, Sonic Drive-In, Jack in the Box, Carl’s Jr, Boots

I like the additional flavor of things like lettuce, onions and pickles... but I want them to be additional flavors, not the only flavors.

I would argue that people who enjoy those things have defective taste buds. So stop blaming it on me.

Yeah, I don’t know what it is, but something they use in some part of it is just awful. I would eat at Little Caesars or Cici’s for the rest of my life than have Dominos again.

Dominos is garbage. Worst on the list. Their “new” stuff inspired me to create a list of places to never eat at again.

You say that like we shouldn’t be punching nazi’s.

I understand that a member of the Canadian Joint Task Force 2 hit one that was 3.5km earlier this year.

As far as I can tell, two types of people voted for Trump.

I can’t think of a pizza place I have actually eaten at that I wouldn’t prefer to Domino’s, both now and before their change.

As an opposing opinion, the Elder Scrolls games were crap until Oblivion.

It is in all versions of Windows 10.

I have always liked Paranoia Agent. What a bizarre trip into manifestations of guilt it was.

Yeah, it works just like glasses or contacts. You need a prescription (assuming the site is legit) and they will check to make sure it is valid.

If he isn’t giving energy, then the artists are just assholes.

As far as I was aware, the Coke Zero/Sprite Zero sodas always used aspartame?

Ah yes, a “religious freedom” bill.

If this stuff worked, it wouldn’t be alternative medicine... it would simply be medicine.

I am ok with this. Not because I own a Nintendo system (I don’t) and not because I am a “content creator/youtuber” (I am not) but simply because it fucks with some people and that amuses me.

The standalone ones don’t, they will just error out if they try to install and there is insufficient space during install.

Fragmentation actually has more effects than just seek time. Windows actually has a maximum file fragmentation limit, where the metadata can’t represent any more file fragments... I am sure you can imagine the problem that can cause when trying to create more fragments in that situation. And fragmentation increase I/O