
Then I guess you aren’t a part of the Homosapiens species, like me. Which are humans.

Totally rational response from someone who is totally not a sociopath or psychopath right here.

Oh, fucking yawn. Such a big man on the internet.

By the time my current 60'’ Panasonic plasma dies, I will probably be able to easily afford a nice 70'’ or larger OLED like these. Will be nice.

By the time my current 60'’ Panasonic plasma dies, I will probably be able to easily afford a nice 70'’ or larger

Also a Texan.

Yeah, all I am seeing is that this isn’t an EDF game at all.

Stick with YouTube. Your “normal” player is complete crap.

It is only in the morning.

I don’t think I will ever stop noticing it... but it is better than diabetes, sooooo...

They both just had that aspartame taste to me.

I was trying out different calorie-less sodas when they introduced this, so I actually bought a Coke Zero and Coke Zero Sugar 2-liter at the same time.

The right side is a screenshot, it looks like, while the left is the Essential Phone, not the S8.

Yeah, not to mention that Capcom has a bad history of releasing unoptimized PC games and never really patching things or fixing anything.

Yeah, not to mention that Capcom has a bad history of releasing unoptimized PC games and never really patching things or fixing anything.

Like all games, EDF should always have a PC release. It runs so much better on PC.

It is nice to see a lot of Japanese devs are realizing that western gamers will buy their games on PC. Especially if the dev actually puts some effort into it.

All that really boils down to is “The companies don’t want to do it.” There is no particular hurdle other than the companies themselves.

bxactions still works (at least on mine) and you can remap it to do quite a few things with different pressing patterns.

You can still do it but yeah... Samsung does have a bad habit of undoing it with updates quite often.

Yeah, Bixby does have some neat macro features that Google Assistant doesn’t, but other than that it is not as good.