
My secret to solving this problem is very simple.

What the parties stand for did, in fact, “switch”... not abruptly, but over a period of time. Republicans were, once upon a time, the liberal party... and vice versa. Over the years, however, this has drastically changed such that the modern Democratic party is the liberal, left-wing party and Republicans are the

I enjoyed FFX all the way up until I beat it. I knew what they were hinting at all the way up until the end, but I kept thinking they wouldn’t go with such an idiotic thing for an ending so I kept at it.... and then, they went with exactly what I was hoping they wouldn’t. I had started on getting all the hidden,

Your opinion is one I share.

It can work in a country.


So many flavors that, in the end, you can’t taste any of them clearly.

They just don’t want to admit that the two things they are known for are bad “hotdogs” and worse “pizza”.

I honestly don’t think they can. You could probably replace it with almost anything and they wouldn’t notice.

That isn’t a hotdog, that is part of a salad that happens to be on a bun.

I buy those when I want some hotdogs, they definitely are better.

Hm. “Challenging” would never have been a word I used to describe World of Warcraft, not even at the initial launch.

Quite possibly, but I would still consider it quite firmly on the “cheap” side for memory foam mattresses, considering the name brand stuff can be 5-6 times more expensive.

Quite possibly, but I would still consider it quite firmly on the “cheap” side for memory foam mattresses,

My current mattress is the most comfortable mattress I have ever slept on and it was only about $650for a king size. It is a memory foam one made by some company called DynastyMattress, it is a knockoff of some tempurpedic model.

My current mattress is the most comfortable mattress I have ever slept on and it was only about $650for a king size.

I am not the lightest guy around. I bought a “cheap” brand memory foam mattress several years ago now (it was about $500-600 at the time, king-size... it was a knockoff, kinda, of a tempurpedic mattress that had a second memory foam topper on top of the mattress that was softer than the rest) and, even though I tend

I am not the lightest guy around. I bought a “cheap” brand memory foam mattress several years ago now (it was about

These days, it feels more like they are slapping us as hard as they can and, during the time between slaps, they are saying “I’m not touching you!”

Why would I attempt such a thing?

It was a pretty good game... but I played FFVI all the way through probably over 100 times since the 90's, but Chrono Trigger only 3-5 times. Even Earthbound I have played through more times within the last 5-6 years than I ever have Chrono Trigger.

It sounds “right” as jist, so I say jist.

You are free to feel that way.