
Hm. I guess that is two things we disagree on, since I prefer FFVI to both Chrono Trigger and FFVII.

Oh, I agree. Chrono Trigger should definitely have been on it. They are all fantastic games, even today.

How can a subjective opinion be false?

Eh, I still prefer Earthbound and FFVI. I loved all three, don’t get me wrong, but those two just... spoke to me more. It would probably be difficult for me to even say why, they just did.


Chrono Trigger was a good game and all, but... both Earthbound and Final Fantasy VI/III are better, purely comparing just RPG’s.

It boggles my mind that, despite being quite wealthy, it looks like Trump eats at McDonald’s every damned day.

Ah well, what is life without a few regrets.

...I think I would reflexively punch someone if they said that in front of me. I don’t even think I would notice it happened.

I was in Texas. Gif would hardly be the first word mispronounced there...

I was all over the internet, even some small amounts of web development (and I don’t mean Geocities... though technically I did make one of those at one point, but whatever) and it wasn’t until a few years into the 2000's that I heard anyone say it was jif.

My list would be similar, except replace VII with VIII and move VII to the end. Hmm... maybe put XII before VIII... yeah, probably.

Well, a good first step to this is to, I don’t know, not fuck over millions upon millions of people?

“Proven false”?


Their build quality is nothing special, really. Especially in the last decade or so. I am more than familiar with how they are put together... part of my job requires knowing it, after all.

I just want to point out that low priced parts =/= low quality parts.

Well, if you aren’t giving information so that your claims can be substantiated or refuted, then you can’t really blame someone for not accepting your claims as accurate.

iOS is no more secure than any other OS, you know. It has more known vulnerabilities in the last 10 years than Windows.

To be honest, man, even if you are right... your actions are suspicious as hell since you aren’t giving any information other than “my sister totally has one and it sucks”.