
Christianity has Canon Law which, well... is just as brutal and authoritarian as Sharia Law (depending upon what you consider brutal). The main difference is that Canon Law prefers living people that it can control every aspect of, Sharia Law prefers to kill those who don’t listen.

I sincerely hope it is true, it would amuse me so much. I hope they lose.

Self-censorship is still censorship, you know.

Google is US based, but the market, in this case, would not be the US.

I find it so odd that people like the op can’t understand that it is possible to have beliefs from both sides of the spectrum.

Apple absolutely collects that same data about you. They just aren’t as obvious about it.

Well, you are getting what they say is a higher quality speaker.

The legal system is not really built upon “right” and “wrong” as some sort of objective standard, you know. Mainly because right and wrong aren’t an objective standard.

Well, to be fair, it is also easier to do it via illegal means. Less security and all that.

Taxing is not theft, like it or not.

The constitution can be amended and the “rights” of the first can also be altered.

Which violates the constitution... how?

No and I honestly don’t see how you would come to that conclusion.

That... is not an accurate definition for deism.

Or we could tax more appropriately, improve those things and take better care of our citizens while altering the lifestyle of a fraction of a percent of the population in a negative fashion and improving the lifestyle of the rest.

I suppose that answer would depend upon your definition of “atheist.”


Ok, so a document written by men is evidence that these are natural?

It is a distinction without a difference, really, since the end result of the way the administration acts is the same.

So, we wouldn’t have a nationwide public road system, most emergency services, running water, a decent military...