
Such a poor troll.

If you know what you are doing, don’t let OSX or Linux touch real hardware.

Just as ok as if you had not left your linux or windows machine at one.

I am following the money... and there is so much more of it on the Windows side that it is kinda funny, considering the sheer cost of Apple hardware. There are just that many more Windows users than Mac users.

Because it isn’t worth the time investment. You don’t make money by targeting a few people, you make money by targeting as many as you possibly can before it can be fixed. And Windows has drastically more users.

Hacking competitions are a good gauge of how vulnerable a system is, since they compete to see how fast they can exploit it. It is also a good way to learn new vulnerabilities to fix.

And yet, nothing of what you said actually proves what I said incorrect. Of course the vastly more popular OS will get targeted more heavily, that doesn’t make it less secure... just more popular.

Indeed, considering Mac’s are broken into just as fast, if not faster, than both Linux and Windows in the hacking competitions. The security of MacOS or OSX or whatever they are calling it now is nothing special at all.

It wasn’t the best of both worlds, as there remain who knows how many people who never bothered to update their OS (or had malware turn off updates) using Windows 7/8/8.1.

That is wrong, you know. The Witcher 3 development team, world-wide, was about 1740 people.

They absolutely are more of a sandbox than The Witcher 3. The older ones were more so, even allowing you to kill people that were vital to the main storyline and making it so you can’t even continue the story, but the newer ones are still more than the Witcher 3. Actions amounting to nothing much doesn’t make the

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Oh, I suspect they aren’t too far off the mark, “Yet another burner.”

That is the reality, friend. The roots of alt-right are undeniably linked directly to white nationalist groups, this is easy stuff to research. Clearly, you don’t like that, but it is what it is.

Hell, since UEFI and Windows 7 came around, it has been the smart thing to do to install the Linux bootloader into its very own partition rather than into the same one Windows does. Precisely because they don’t play nice with each other and, probably, never will.

He can’t because he is fundamentally incorrect. Microsoft does require OEM’s to enable secure boot, and include their certificate, if they want the Windows 8/10 Certified logo... but they make zero requirements when it comes to being able to Secure Boot (well, they required them to allow it to be disabled in 8 but

Except, well, the roots of the “movement,” if you can call it such, reside in white nationalist groups. You may not like it, but the history of the group has always been rooted in white nationalism.

Why should they check it? It doesn’t benefit them in any way to support other bootloaders. Logically, they should overwrite the bootloader that is stored in the partition their own OS created if they want to.

That isn’t the fault of Microsoft, they don’t force the OEM’s to prevent you from disabling Secure Boot. That is entirely up to the OEM. Of course, you could just, you know, add your own certificate to Secure Boot and certify any OS you want... nothing stopping you from doing that.

Yeah, they have a very clear bias and they are very clearly either misinformed or lying.