
One of my two computers installed it normally as an update, though it gave me plenty of warning it was going to.

I mean, you do know that large Windows updates like this have replaced the bootloader in the past, too, right? Windows 7 did it, Windows 8 did it and now Windows 10 does it.

It is, by several orders of magnitude, more likely that the SSD just died. That is pretty much how SSD’s go... they just up and die, they don’t give all the warning signs that HDD’s typically do.

Still better than people running non-updated copies of XP with botnets and trojans galore.

That is pure nonsense, Windows is not being written to behave openly hostile to other OS’s. That is stupid.


That particular job for a year.

How many people in the world did exactly what I did?

I was the technical services manager, actually, and one of my side duties was building or repairing Apple products/PC’s/A/V systems and the like. But whatever, sure, computer repair tech.

Whatever alternative facts help you sleep, dude. All you are doing is making me laugh, you sad little kid.

One? Hundreds, perhaps thousands. I have used them to a greater extent than just fixing a cracked screen, as my job entailed more than just that. I am intimately familiar with the OS as a whole, as I have also sold them at the job I had prior to that job.

Sure, the knowledge I have is anecdotal... precious few individuals could possibly come into contact with enough devices to make it anything but anecdotal, after all.

Probably the one whose opinion is formed through having used more of both devices?

Oh look, a link that talks about a survey. With no verification of the veracity of the survey results.

You are entitled to your opinions and as for the “everyone in the industry” stuff... citations please. From literally everyone in the industry, if you don’t mind.

I do miss the expandable storage on my Nexus 6. I specifically bought a tablet with that feature, though, so I guess it evens out since I do most of the stuff I want to do on the tablet rather than the phone.

Oh, you are that other person I dismissed with a new name. I figured.

It is not the best grammar, but double negatives are a valid part of English. So, yes, it is correct.

If believing in your alternative facts lets you sleep better at night, have at. Doesn’t bother me. After all, it won’t alter reality.

Whatever you want to believe, guy. It won’t alter reality, but you can believe whatever you want if it makes you sleep better at night.