
Whatever reality you want to believe in, friend. I don’t care.

Sure sure, troll. Sure sure. Whatever you say, Mr. Illiterate. Believe whatever you want, you pitiful little troll.

Sure sure, troll. Sure sure. Whatever you say, Mr. Illiterate. Believe whatever you want, you pitiful little troll.

Learn to read.

My work area was basically a large room with inadequate heating in the winter... I always heated the room up with an old hp workstation and power mac g4 I had laying around. Worked quite well (granted, it was loud as hell... but whatever).

If you were to not think about it to any level of depth, sure...

Well, that isn’t exactly true. If you stuck iOS directly onto, say, a Samsung S8... it would not only run worse, it wouldn’t run at all... hardware differences and all. Of course, you could get Android running on an iPhone if you could get to that point, being open source and all...

Funny... considering that your entire point of view is an illusion itself 😂

I don’t own any Samsung products, nor have I since the S3. I do know precisely what I am talking about. I have held more Apple products in my hands than you probably will in your life (and repaired more).

I did not deal with the geniuses in my particular line of work, I was one of their certified repair/whatever they called them people that worked for other companies that sold their products directly to clients.

I actually sold and “customized” Mac Pro systems (mainly for A/V work), the repair stuff was just supposed to be a small part of the job (except, it turned out, not so much).

Yeah, the stylus stuff is pretty neat on Samsung’s devices. Damn near the only part that makes me wish it was used on Nexus/Pixel devices.

I haven’t had to reboot my Android device in, well, I don’t really remember how long. I know the current uptime is 982 hours with not even a simple app crash (my Nexus 6 has never had an app crash or a phone crash, except when I was messing around with kernel options one day almost two years ago).

You have to be fair and admit that iPhones have the same issues you say the Android devices did, even if your particular devices were not hit by them.

Benchmarks are not necessarily indicative of actual, real world usage. Not to mention I did not say Android was superior, either.

I have repaired many of those generations of iPhone (and macbooks, imacs, mac pro’s... whatever). I have seen the exact opposite. But then, if they work for you, use them... that is precisely why I don’t use them. They simply don’t work for me.

You may like iOS, but it is by no means “superior in almost all regards”. In fact, it is inferior in all regards for me. And I do, in fact, deny that Apple phones run better these days out of the box when compared to same tier devices in real world usage.

Yeah, it is a bit weird since even the character in the manga/anime doesn’t seem to be that busty.

You are feeling burned by the best city builder game of the last decade just because the dlc isn’t $50 worth of content for $15?

No matter which system you get it on, when you start getting a higher population with a larger city... your FPS will start dropping pretty quickly and eventually you won’t be able to use the higher simulation speeds.