
Irrelevant to the topic.

I would wonder how the mask would interfere with verbal casting... do other people have to hear the spell for it to work? What are the rules, exactly?

If you can find anywhere in my comments where I said that, by all means, quote me.

The designers, I would imagine.

I was simply stating that anyone who says stupid shit like what the OP said should experience, themselves, the fun and enjoyment of the “proper channels” into our country if they aren’t white as a sheet.

I defended no-one.

I feel like anyone who says this should be deported and see just how fun it is go through the “proper channels” while being treated as someone who isn’t white (if they are white).

I feel like you don’t really properly remember the older Mass Effect games...

I am thoroughly enjoying the game, more so than I ever did Witcher 3. I am perfectly happy with it, though I do find that there are things they could have improved.

So does Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, but I don’t see the same level of hate towards it.

Might as well say the Moon is the middle ground between the Earth and the Sun.

On the other end of the spectrum, I got bored of the Witcher 3 before I could finish it and am having far more fun in Mass Effect: Andromeda than I did in the Witcher 3.

I remember sentences almost exactly like this for Starbound, which was in early access for nearly 3 years...

This game mode he “created” is not much more than a FFA arena with permadeath... something you could make, albiet on a smaller scale, back in the Unreal Tournament days.

How do you people eat anything if something as simple as a burger from McDonald’s causes you such digestive distress?

The more reliable variations of that don’t rely on a poll, it relies on the actual scientific papers... published by climatologists (studies that have been repeated at least 7 times in the last 13 years, all finding the same conclusion). Of which 91-100% agree that humans have had a significant impact on climate

Strictly speaking, it is 97% of climatologists (climate experts). Not “scientists who basically make a living talking about climate change.” That is not an impartial definition at all.

Hm. I guess I should google who this One Direction is/was... but, well, I don’t really care.

Deceit is a prime way to win fights, it isn’t at all cowardly.

Valve will revoke your refund privileges if it looks like you are even kinda abusing their system, though.