
Dominionism is fucking terrifying and should be fought against tooth and nail as it leads to very, very bad results 100% of the time.

Considering the many, many bad things the bible has to say about the pursuit and/or love of money, I would be surprised if anyone that read the book could get the impression that the Christian deity is a capitalist.

Precisely this. Market fragmentation is exactly why I watch my tv/anime and the like through other means. Convenience is important to me and, well, the countless different services you have to pay for to legitimately watch these things at some point after they air (Why not at the exact same time as when they air?

GPM is essentially editing the registry settings through a different GUI, there is no real difference between doing it one way and the other as far as actual effects go. So you really don’t have to pay, since the end result is completely identical. Especially since you can just a simple .reg file to enable/disable

Bit of a shame he never managed to do things objectively better.

Ohhh, scathing.

If he were actually a coward, this article wouldn’t exist because he wouldn’t have killed anyone... including himself.

Yeah, seeing that people like a full touchscreen product and realizing that people like that more than a non-touch device does not make something a copy. The original launch of Android was, even then, very clearly a different beast than iOS in look and feel. It had more features than iOS when it launched, even.

Nearly all modern OS’s are built upon the foundations created by what came before. iOS is no exception, nor is Android. There are undeniably aspects of iOS that Jobs did quite clearly copy from Android and there are parts of Android that were clearly mimicry of portions of iOS (the same applies to other OS’s as

I don’t consider it to be cloning, either. Mimicry is exceedingly common in any well developed industry. It is nice to see the mobile device industry hitting that point, actually. The more features that become standard, the better off everyone is.

I did not say that they, personally, did... just that is the general trend when things like that are said. It is hypocritical. Which, you have to admit, is extremely common.

Oh come now, we all know that Apple shamelessly copies other companies all the time. They have a very easily defined history of it, even with iOS and their phone designs. It would not be surprising at all if they did copy Samsung designs (or someone else’s) at this point in history. It is what they do. It is what

Well, to be fair, it always ends up that people are copying Apple if their product is shown first so... I would call this fair play.

Huh, well, “untouchable”is what I would call Apple’s products too... though I doubt I mean it in the way you do.

Right back at you, individual who cannot back up their own claims.

I wouldn’t call it much of a plan, just a method. It isn’t even difficult, just requires materials. Simple knowledge of how the body reacts to things is all that is necessary to think it up. Were I going to do it, I would already have the necessary materials... but I don’t, nor do I know where to obtain them.

I don’t see anything inherently wrong with suicide. Each person is the owner of their own life, should they not be entitled to do with it as they wish? Including ending it?

“Progressive.... socialist... all shades of the same color trying to bring down the greatness of our country” 

I feel like you don’t know what ransomware is...

I dunno, plenty of people turn back every year.