
Why not? Whether or not something is good is subjective, not objective, so who are you to judge whether someone needs psychiatric help just because they don’t like being alive? It is perfectly normal.

All wars are illegal one way or another, depending upon who you ask. So, I mean... if a war is started it is, by default, illegal. Why bother to mention it?

To be fair, life isn’t really a “gift” to everyone. There are some who might argue it is a curse.

Since when do I own it? I don’t own anything like this. I have no personal use for it.

I am not worked up over anything nor did I ever say I liked it. I don’t own any such thing, nor do I have a use for it.

Hating something other people enjoy just because you get so hot and bothered by “privacy issues” sounds ridiculous to me.

“Damn kids buying new technology I don’t like, warble warble warble...”

Why would you put an OS with less features and less hardware support onto a new machine? Especially an OS that is edging closer, day by day, to complete end of life obsolescence.

Well, I guess they could start by conquering and slaughtering the indigenous people of a country... that is what we did to make this country.

First, citations needed.

Ah, just a troll. I gotcha. Say no more.

Yes, yes I did.

Spoken like a regressive who simply wants to tell other people what they believe.

To be fair, being attacked by a dog doesn’t either. I, personally, would rather kill a dog running at me and it turn out to be a good dog than find out it was going for my throat.

Listen to those crickets...

Hell, if you have a newer computer with bluetooth and the newer Xbox One controller, you don’t even need the receiver adapter. You can just straight up connect via bluetooth.

Typical PC RAM is almost always dual or quad channel, so you generally see it double with each jump (2, 4, 8, 16, 32...). GDDR5 doesn’t really work the same way, so you will often see it move from 4 to 8 to 12 to 16... it depends on the size of each memory chip, I expect. They are probably using 3 4GB GDDR5 chips

Consoles are essentially becoming prebuilt, specific-use PC’s at this point. They may as well shorten the generations since hardware changes so quickly.

Microsoft makes more money on the software side than the hardware side so the xbox anywhere thing is one of the smartest things they have done. As long as someone is buying their game, they don’t care if it is for Xbox One or PC.

Which I already answered.