
You do realize the page you linked says nothing at all about charging, right? A potential connection issue with the left joycon, which they will be fixing supposedly, is all. So long as you aren’t one of the unlucky ones, the system works precisely as advertised. It is missing nothing that it advertised.

Those bundles cost more and rechargeable controllers are not mandatory in any sense of the word. The charging grip is unnecessary, it is an imbalanced comparison.

What an unfair comparison. Why don’t you add on the same kind of crap to the PS3?

I don’t think you should be calling the Switch expensive right after saying the PS3 was expensive...

As a guy with limited understanding, my understanding was one of the points of feminism was that women are just as free to wear/do whatever they want without the nonsensical judgement in much the same way men are able to.

Pretty nice costume, girl looks nothing like the character though.

Lucky. They will still happen, though some companies pay extra for panels that were tested for dead/stuck pixels in the factory to be sure that none exist. Apple, for example, as much as I dislike them are pretty strict about it (and the panels they don’t want can often be found in cheap monitors on ebay, often

The name is unfortunate, sure, but that doesn’t mean they are pretending it is fully automated. If nobody reads it, that is not Tesla’s fault. They give the warning and there is an agreement for it. Tesla is not at fault if people are too dumb to read.

Well, nice to see you at least understand your own typing.

The neighborhood watch would be in a better position to murder a little kid and get away with it, actually. Your logic is idiotic at best.

The neighborhood watch sure isn’t going to un-murder you or un-beat you.

Tesla doesn’t pretend it is fully automated. There is a whole agreement about it. Not to mention it has had less accidents than, well, regular drivers, so... well, if you are going to bitch about it being dangerous, what about every regular drive in the world? They are demonstrably more dangerous. Your logic is

I cannot agree, a voluntary beta test (with a proper user agreement giving information on how to use it and how not to) by real drivers in the real world is possibly the most effective means of improving the product so these incidents, which are the fault of the driver, will become more and more rare.

Aside from cinnamon, which I am quite fond of, I think we would get along when it comes to food.

That isn’t really some kind of objective list. I would put it as Medium-Well > Medium > Well-done > Medium-Rare > Rare.

To be fair, “properly cooked” is completely subjective. If the person eating it likes it, it is properly cooked.

I like my steaks medium-well (and if they err, I would rather they err on the side of done than not). Ketchup, however, goes nowhere near my steak... I do like a light buttery, garlicy kinda sauce though.

Clearly, 2016 was a terrible year for games if Overwatch was even nominated for “best game of the year”.

Ugh, the endgame is the worst part about modern MMO’s. I hate the focus on endgame, I blame Blizzard for that bullshit. Worst part of the game.

Ah, the good ol’ “train to zone” tactic.