
Well, to be fair, it is a job where skill at it helps... but they don’t really want to pay for that skill, so they hire unskilled and pay them less than they should to save on labor costs. I don’t know if it truly helps costs all that much, but it sure lowers the quality of their products.

Haha, that CDC thing is just a myth. They did not admit to any such thing. That’s a fact.

I ‘member.

Well, it is only win-win if they can actually somewhat compete with the higher priced Intel stuff.

It wouldn’t be the first time that AMD-done testing was... less than indicative of real-world performance.

I am like you. I hope AMD knocks it out of the park with these but, considering their “recent” (last decade or so) past... I am more than a little skeptical of their claims.

Couldn’t happen to a worse condiment.

Morals are not some kind of objective measure, you know. Just because you don’t find it possible for it to ever be morally right... does not mean that nobody else does.

They are shipping the whole damn game.

I am on your side. It may not be a mainline Zelda game, but in a venn diagram where Dynasty Warriors and Zelda overlap, Hyrule Warriors would be in that overlap. It is both a Zelda game and a Musou game.

I would argue that just being able to sit my phone down when I get into bed and know it is charging, without fumbling for wires in the dark, is an undeniably useful feature that is “actually worth something”.

The “pad bs” is, in fact, real wireless charging.

Only a poe trolling others would fail so spectacularly at understanding the message they are trying to spread.

Your “pure truth” message of “love” sounds a lot like a mandate to no longer be human.

They imply, you infer.

I don’t see 99% of the 100 million+ people who don’t like Trump or the travel ban outside of the airports, what makes Hillary special for not being there?

We aren’t even certain who it is actually reliable with. Our research on the matter is woefully inadequate, we can’t even tell if it is merely a placebo-like effect when it comes to accuracy, due to the people taking it thinking it actually works and end up telling the truth... or if it is actually accurate.

Yes, because Hillary is totally an alien or something.

With regards to the falsehood that rights are a product of Government and nothing more, I’ll simply quote wording from one of our more important documents:

Your position is that rights come from the government of the country you live in. Nothing else grants you any rights at all. That is fascinating.