
I admit that a democracy does tend to fuck over the minority... but, as I previously said, the system should work towards screwing over the smallest amount of people possible... not the largest. And, well... that simply isn’t how the electoral college works.

There is no real evidence that whatever “fixing” was done, if it truly happened, changed the results of the primary in any way. There is also nothing to suggest that Bernie would have ever won the primary either.

Because no matter how much you dislike her, she was still the better option? Because not voting for her got us the result we got?

Cute, but doesn’t change the fact that the people elected by the two major (only viable ones, really) parties are the “real candidates”, no matter how much we dislike them.

Cute, but doesn’t change the fact that the people elected by the two major (only viable ones, really) parties are the “real candidates”, no matter how much we dislike them.

Well, considering she and Trump were the only two real candidates when it actually mattered, strictly speaking if you didn’t support Hillary then you brought us Trump.

If you end up getting into the whole “Whole Home Wifi”/”Mesh Wifi” thing, make sure you get it from a company who has an existing track record for actually regularly updating their existing products.

For one, none of those are actually minority control. For another, I am being completely honest.

You are deliberately being obtuse here, aren’t you?

You mean like not saying Merry Christmas in a school of 500 because I might offend a immigrated student?

My response would be much the same if it only worked for “deep dish pizza” (which isn’t pizza).

Any system where the minority weighs more than the majority is an inherently broken system.

Servers aren’t cheap and while storage is, you tend to burn through it when in their situation.

How is it lame? It is by design. Bethesda made it so people could contribute to it for years into the future to help it withstand the test of time.

What in the world are you on about?

My analogy was for the situation and discussion as a whole, not just the headline of the article. Essentially like my whole discussion with you, which is why I am surprised you don’t realize that.

On the one hand, I feel like I should make fun of this... but on the other hand, that is better made than some real music video’s I have seen...

My analogy fits the situation better than yours. And if you are going to say mine has nothing to do with the situation and is in no way analogous, then how is yours? It is even less related than mine.

It is a non-insignificant percentage (you won’t find a precise percentage because... well, why would you even expect one?).

I know your position, I just don’t agree with it. There is more to consider than just the words used.