
In the end, there really isn’t a difference. The tactic is to make it seem as if there is doubt, so people will latch onto it and denounce it for them. They use it all the time when their ideology conflicts with scientific knowledge.

I don’t think I am. In context, which includes the previous text and the person currently as the governor of that state, it clearly implies that we aren’t influencing it. It is a common tactic used by deniers of climate change, vaccines, evolution... most of science, really.

The funny thing about the McDonald’s case is that they continue to regularly get sued, even nowadays, for their coffee burning people. They settle quite often, I understand. Somehow, it ends up being cheaper than making their coffee lower temps than they already are (they have lowered them since that lawsuit).

They really do.

Not really, it makes the implication that we aren’t influencing the climate to change.

I would name my kid Gogo.

If you have to qualify the things you are saying with “I’m certainly not a racist” then you are racist.

I don’t think you know what trolling is if you say I am doing it. Not agreeing with your opinions is not trolling, like it or not.

Don’t the original system noises still get sent through the speakers even when using remote desktop? Seems like you should check those when they happen, but that is me I suppose.

Send them here, I will tell them they are idiots for not making sure their shit is properly in order before starting work and for not using the appropriate version of Windows if they can’t be bothered to do that.

I do remember it.

No OS intended for workstations should EVER make the decision to reboot.

The enterprise copies allow you to change these things.

Opting for automatic updates is the only viable option. Say what you want about people, they simply won’t learn that kind of stuff. They don’t learn it for their cars, they don’t learn it for their pets and they don’t learn it for the majority of things they use in their life... telling them to suck it up and just

I feel basically the same way, actually. If Linux had the same level of software support, driver support and game support... I would definitely switch.

Yes, because that very option totally wasn’t exploited by malicious software in the past to wreak havoc or anything.

Yeah, except they really aren’t. Windows marketshare is consistent around the 90% mark and has been for a long, long time. Almost nobody cares about the mandatory updates and reboots. It just seems like more do since there is a very vocal minority, as always. People say the same thing every time there is a new

I am not overlooking anything. If people can’t be bothered to read something, that is their own fault. They could have always, you know, reverted back to whatever version they had before or reinstalled it manually.

Right. Because it’s HIS fault that he can’t pause the work. The thing that gets him paid, you know?

I wasn’t aware that living in reality and acknowledging where fault lies is a high horse these days. Wonder when that changed.