
How odd. I don’t seem to see basically any of the relevant words from this:

By all means, quote where I said that.

Shadowplay records, by default, the last five minutes even if you aren’t actively recording.

I, for one, do not considering getting less for less money to be a “better deal”, nor would I consider calling a company and telling them to make something “forcing players to be competitive”...

I disagree.

I may go a step further and say all of them are.

voted for Stein, asshole.

Or you could do it the smart way and eat boneless wings instead. You know, the only ones worth eating?

Any system where, by default, someone’s vote is worth less than someone else’s because they live around more people is a system that is inherently faulty and needs to be discarded.

My inner skeptic balks at accepting this as accurate, since it seems more like damage control from the company who made the anti-piracy stuff than the actual reason given by the company who actually removed it.

So, since I have no consideration for the rest of humanity, you are saying that I should recline my seat at all times, even when I don’t really need to?

This ridiculously long thread has led me to one conclusion based on the kinds of people posting in it.

I don’t know if I would call being an asshole to someone who has been thoroughly fucking up your reputation “proof beyond any shadow of a doubt”, but that is me.

Well, gee, yeah, if you remove millions of votes, someone else wins... imagine that.

No, but trump supporters with guns and preventing people from voting, however, is.

This would be awesome news, if the first one hadn’t bored me to tears within two levels.

No, since I know the definitions of words and the law in this situation, I know I am not stealing. I am not twisting into knots at all, I am well aware that I am infringing upon copyright. I know the differences. As of yet, I haven’t really gotten into justification for it whatsoever.

Anyone who doesn’t know this probably wouldn’t have clicked on this article.

“How can we make taking a shower an annoying experience rather than a pleasant one?”

“How can we make taking a shower an annoying experience rather than a pleasant one?”

As someone who lived in Texas during his entire stint... this joke hits a little too hard.