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I think those of us who lived in Texas through his... “reign”... should have a say in this.

That actually isn’t what I said at all, now was it?

As I’ve said, I’ve created plenty of content. Just finished a film, actually. You’ll forgive me for saying that I have no desire for “people like you” to see it. You have an incredibly inflated sense of self, and that kind of audience we can all do without.

Yes and no? If the DVD has copy-protection on it, it is illegal. If it doesn’t, it isn’t.

Amusingly, I actually legitimately own this show because I like it just that much.

I am not “entitled” at all. I don’t feel entitled to these things, I am uncertain where you people get this. If I felt as such, I would admit it. I see no reason to lie about it.

But he kept responding and I needed something to do while I watched TV.

No, that actually isn’t what I am saying. If it were what I was saying, you would see those words in any of my comments but, shockingly, they don’t exist within them.

I don’t have a desire to steal, nor am I justifying anything. Do you people not know what these words mean?

I think you mean...

Is the result different, though?

Kinda the Universe calling the Earth big there, huh buddy?

So, not gonna read the law then? Consider me so shocked. Wouldn’t want to know something that refutes what you have said, after all. Can’t have that.

Read the law, friend. Not just the name, the actual law.

I mean, you are aware that that law is not related to standard piracy, yes?

Haha, again, no refutations, just vague statements about me being “wrong” and other nonsense.

I find it more and more amusing how you don’t bother to refute anything, just say I am wrong.

So that legal education is doing well for you? You know they also teach you not to deflect there. I can give you a recommendation if you would like.

You are so cute, look at how defensive you are. You can’t actually refute what I am saying so you just say I am nabbing stuff from YouTube and then saying I need a “legal education”. Oh no, that sure refutes what I said!

Allow me to refer you to the important bit here: