
No, even the posters don’t go to jail unless they were running the site that facilitated the piracy or were the ones who went to the theater or the like and personally recorded the video/leaked the copy.

Depending on how many shows you watch, $1-$2 per episode for a lifetime of watching would ultimately be cheaper than paying $8 every month

Oh, the way you are responding, we both know it is the truth.

Nice of you to concede that you were wrong.

It is the only logical stance, friend. You can argue for your illogical stance, if you want, but it won’t go very well for you.


Oh ho ho ho... scathing retort. Right up there with “I know you are but what I am?”

All I can think of when I see that picture is Trump describing the time he flashed people outside Trump Tower.

Except I am not. I am correcting your ignorance. Do you even know what “justification” is? I don’t think you do.

That wasn’t a debate or argument, it was mocking you for pretending to be better just because you are condemning someone for piracy. Which you probably do yourself, too, which is amusing.

A distinction with a difference. We both know you also breaks laws regularly, too, so don’t act all holier than thou just because you probably pretend you haven’t pirated stuff before.

Oh hey, I did that job too a few years ago.

I pirate everything I watch, even though I have cable, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

So is murder, but that also isn’t theft.

Piracy is not stealing. It is copyright infringement, though.

Heroes don’t betray their country and everyone in it.

I think the White House should respond.

An even simpler solution is to not upgrade to a 7 or upgrade to literally any Android/Windows phone out there.

I would buy this if they actually brought it to the US as a special edition.

I would be so happy with a Burnout Paradise 2.