
Hyrule Warriors was one of my favorite Musou games.

-Cracked within hours, days, months (yes, older less capable DRM but Denuvo has been aiming at 3 months and somewhat successful so it does stop piracy for majority of critical sales making it quite successful against piracy).

Suicide can be the answer. “Hope” is really not all that helpful to many people. Why do you argue that someone cannot choose to end their own life if they want? It is their life, they should be in control of that.

Wanting them to be forced to live when they choose otherwise is also selfish as hell, why is it ok for you to be selfish but not them?

Yes, it is much better that they ruin their own lives and live just because other people will be sad.

By definition, in the US anyway, you cannot murder yourself. Suicide is not illegal and all murder is illegal.

No, there should not be a stigma on it. It is your life, you should be in control of when it ends.

They look almost nothing alike, though?

And yet, despite that, the actual resolution of the animation itself is not that high. It is lower than the digital animation commonly used now, which is why it looks so much worse in comparison.

Better audio, better animation, higher resolution animation, more detail...

In the short term, fossil fuels are quite cheap... in the long term, they are catastrophically expensive.

I don’t live near a SuperCharger, but I do live near 3 locations (in a pretty small city) that would let me charge a Tesla for free. And even in Texas here, it would be difficult to drive 300 miles without hitting a SuperCharger if you are driving in the pretty decently populated sections (Dallas/Fort

Fair enough.

I would not say that every example relied on the government to create their monopoly.

Kind of a distinction without a difference, that.

You too, huh?

And when something is sick, so does shit.

If you are actively lessening competition by buying a competitor, what you are doing is not going to help competition.

Yeah, I was watching the video and some of the ones it showed were kinda “Oh right, that existed. Huh.”

Oh, I wouldn’t either. Those are three of the ones I actually own.