
Yes. Fantasia is on the lower end for Disney when it comes to quality (note that it is not on the lowest end, that is reserved for the actual crap like Chicken Little). Great movie but the later stuff is better quality.

No, as a matter of fact, I am not. I am talking about actual quality, I was quite clear I was not talking about “style” or anything like that.

I will check it out when I get around to it.

I have seen nearly every movie they have made (and own quite a few), but I don’t really see a “U-curve” of quality in them. Maybe stylistically, but as far as actual animation quality I am not so sure. But then, I haven’t watched the older ones in quite some time.

Some of the older films have an amazing style, no doubt about it, but style isn’t necessarily the same thing as quality. You can have something that is incredibly high quality but, stylistically, dull as a board.

This is a design trend that I don’t think anybody wants.

Minus a few exceptions, that seems to be a pretty clear increase in quality over time. None of the older ones have anything on the newer ones in terms of actual quality... style is up to personal opinions, though.

So many memories. I thoroughly beat this, the second one and the Champions of Norrath games with a friend. Great times...

Did you? To quote you, “prove it.”

Man, you are shockingly dim.

That’s fine. I will just continue to dismiss your claims as worthless. I don’t care one way or the other.

So, your decision was to not provide the information I implied was necessary to continue the conversation and, instead, try your hand at a poor attempt at mockery?

It is still available, but the steam version used GFWL so... it doesn’t really work anymore without some hacky shit.

Due to the mess that is Kinja, I cannot identify which particular comment you initially responded to so I cannot accurately refute what you are talking about since I lack the necessary information.

Every claim inherently has a burden of proof, regardless of where the claim is made. It is not difficult to prove that most, if not all, people who have “invested” into bitcoin have not profited at all... there are many, many places to find such evidence, including places like MtGox.

Not really how the burden of proof works, friend.

Oh, considering the time frame, it definitely could be worth a pretty penny indeed. But I can’t remember what I had to eat two weeks ago, so remembering the wallet stuff from over half a decade ago is... yeah, not gonna happen.

Final Fantasy left when X came out. I am still waiting for it to come back.

I am actually fairly certain that when bitcoin first showed up I mined for a day or two just to see what the hell it was. So there are probably some bitcoins in a wallet somewhere that will never be used...