
I disagree.

The businesses rarely accept the bitcoin directly, it almost always goes through a third party who charges a fee (and they have to pay a fee if they want to convert it to cash even if they accept the bitcoin directly) and that fee is uniformly larger than what they pay with a credit card, so that really isn’t a “win”.

It sure was for Mark Kerpeles.

The only thing I can imagine you mean by “free economy” is “criminal economy”, since those are the only things people would actually utilize their pseudo-anonymity through.

Being used does not mean that something is useful. It is useless in that everything it does, something else does it better and then some... without pretending to be anonymous and with no chance of being royally fucked in case another catastrophic, roll-back everything exploit/whatever happens.

Well, you would have had to actually turn them back into cash which was... less than simple at that point in time and netted you far, far, far less than that peak price.

That is a rather far cry from a $110,500 return.

Bitcoin is useless. The blockchain tech has some limited usage in very specific situations, but bitcoin itself is completely useless.

I wouldn’t be making wild claims on the internet about how much money I supposedly made because I am not an idiot.

Well, if those would be sufficient evidence, sure.

Indeed, the rather vague dollar amounts are also shady as hell. I am willing to bet he has actually lost money in bitcoin (and probably the other nonsense coins too).

There is always documentation. Well, except for people who made money in bitcoin because outside of places like Mt. Gox scamming the hell out of idiots, nobody actually has made a profit.

Well, sure showed me with your comment equivalent of “Yuh-huh”.

Well, to be fair, they don’t care now either. They just want to have the appearance of someone who cares.

Weird how everyone who defends bitcoin has a story like this... but not a single one can actually prove it.

You definitely have because I have seen this exact post word for word at some other point in my life on this website.

I comprehended what you said just fine, assuming you meant what you said. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have contradicted you.

While I haven’t seen the Jell-O, my previous best friend was a bit less diligent sometimes when it came to her veganism. I let her know more than a few times when she was accidentally eating something with gelatin or something in it.

Bitcoin is piss poor for a cashless society.

“Bible Thumper” is “self-righteous” now? I bet you don’t even know what the word means without Googling it.