
I played basically every single game of this genre and not a single one of them was setup so that tweaking a rollercoaster can make or break such a thing. Not a single one.

That is more than I would ever do for PETA, considering how many animals they kill every year. “Saved” is sort of subjective when it comes to them.

I was a patriot, once... then GWB got into office and man did that sink that feeling so quick I almost got whiplash.

More than a few of us understand.

Could just tell them that, according to the bible, they have a greater than 99% chance of going to hell too, so does it really matter why you go?

I don’t think I would consider a tasteless, immature joke to be the same as “treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed”.

One good thing that will happen is not bringing 65,000 Syrian refugees into the United States. That’s something good right off the bat that we wouldn’t have gotten with Hillary.


Ignorant. I don’t want anarchy, anarchy is chaos and ruin. I want order, peace, tranquility.

And if you delete your account, you probably save that much of your life too in the long run. Now go spend it doing something fun like reading a book, playing a game or practicing a hobby.

I understand what would happen... and it isn’t much, really. Precious little would change.

actually supporting PETA

There is just too much to address. I don’t know how you can be so wrong about so many things.

Oh, I get it. So unless I can provide a source that explicitly states that someone admits being a Hillary supporter, and then also that they are claiming Donald Trump is a member of the KKK, then you dismiss the entire issue that Democrats are attempting to demonize Trump, Bannon, and Sessions by coloring them as

I did provide it, and as I knew you would do, you simply rejected the sources, but failed to provided any evidence to the contrary. You seem to think that if information doesn’t come from Salon.com or MSNBC, then it must be false.

Yeah, pretty much.

Of course you are “done with me.” You have nothing to put forth to debunk what I have said and we both know it.

Nonsense. Removing the electoral college would restore the equality of votes, for one thing, and wouldn’t do a damned thing to states, state lines, local governments or the US as a nation. That is baseless fearmongering nonsense.

Actually, I do, since I am well aware that the popular vote is not the one who wins (and I am also aware of how many times it has happened in our past... counting Trump, it is 5... and it has never resulted in a good president).