
I understand just fine, nimrod, which is why I understand that it is a flawed, broken system that provides no real benefits and should, instead, be replaced by a better system.

Oh yes, you’re right, of course. Hillary supporters never came forward with bogus rape claims about Trump in an attempt to skew the election,

Meh, I expected that part. It was when you started talking out of your ass that I lost interest.

Yawn. Not surprised that when your “citations” are called out as either biased or inaccurate that you immediately resort to attacking me and saying “sour grapes.”

“Hillary supporters said Trump was a rapist”

To be accurate, the process that chose him wasn’t democratic. If it were, Hillary would be the President-Elect right now.

Yeah, a lot of better (and funnier) ways to deal with the situation, really. Oh well, though.

Seems like an easy problem to fix for the barista’s... “accidentally” misspell it. Write Thump or Drump or something instead and pretend they misheard.

Was, I don’t know, quoting that entire comment not enough to help you infer what I wanted citations for?

No, you’re right, some trash talk in a locker room 11 years ago totally proves he is a rapist, how silly of me. And anyone who retweets someone who says, “Your policies will make this state and country great again!” is clearly a member of the KKK. What was I thinking?

Oh boo hoooooo, so sad. Meanwhile, Hillary supporters said Trump was a rapist in the KKK. And the media flat out lied about him over and over, on top of their over the top usual bias. Don’t worry, most people who voted for Trump did so because we knew the truth, not because we fell prey to stupid nonsense stories on

Maybe, I don’t know, don’t call other people fools when acting like one yourself?

Oh boo hoooooo, so sad. Meanwhile, Hillary supporters said Trump was a rapist in the KKK. And the media flat out lied about him over and over, on top of their over the top usual bias. Don’t worry, most people who voted for Trump did so because we knew the truth, not because we fell prey to stupid nonsense stories on

Citations needed.

I do. I don’t see how it applies, though.

Sounds like you should live in an HOA controlled neighborhood, then? Since the whole point of those is other people deciding what you can do with your own property.

That is life. If it is their property, and there is no legal issues preventing it, they are free to do what they want with it. I stand by what I said.

I am of the opinion that trying to force someone to treat their own property the way you want it treated is the asshole move.

Haha, good lord. Why would anyone continue talking about issues with you? Every time someone brings up a fact or valid complaint, you just deflect it, ignore it, deny it or point at Hillary instead.

The PC version is no better, Morrowind was an awful game. I don’t get the praise at all.