
I think he is saying the latter.

AMD’s top end cards may have HBM2.

When I see this incarnation, I can’t think “Joker”... I just see a random Psycho from Borderlands who took his mask off and escaped to Earth.

AT&T U-Verse also limits you unless you have their TV service... or pay the extra monthly fee for unlimited.

Trump has both said and done racist things. No goal post moving needed.

Not sure you understand the definition of “evidence”.

It isn’t. It is just a similar style due to the nature of the games. Ryan (from PA) has been aware of it for 3 years, he likes it.

Not that I have heard, but I know they have a lot of plans for the game. I remember reading they want to redo the whole tech tree, build out the end-game more (there is one... sort of. It is just building towards the giant rocket to send supplies off-world, which is why you are there in the first place) and more like

It sounds like it is kind of a rare, one -off thing... but if you pay attention, crap like that happens pretty commonly. People killing family members because they are raiding your colony, pets committing suicide by attacking boomalopes... good times. Such good times.

I had one a while back in Alpha 13 where beer fell from the sky, one of the women in my colony found it, went on a binger, took all of her clothes off while tottering back to the colony haphazardly and got into a fist fight with one of my pet elephants.

I have no idea where I heard about it, those years ago. I also have no idea where I heard about Factorio, for that matter.

Same thing happened a little with Factorio, I remember pirating the initial alpha release of that (not the Steam EA version) a long while ago because I wasn’t sure it was my kind of thing.

Feels so weird to be reading this stuff now about a game I have been playing off and on for nearly 3 years.

Tynan was inspired both by PA and Dwarf Fortress (much like PA). Ryan was aware of it back in 2013 when it was first released as an alpha and supported it, so it is fine.

I didn’t say either one is easier. I simply said it was easier designing for one set of hardware rather than multiple.

It is possible, but it doesn’t sound like that was the issue. It sounds more like poorly written software and low end hardware, really, based on the way they described it.

I was in... junior year at that time? That sounds about right.

Hm, interesting. Not really something that bothers me, it doesn’t interfere with my usage, but that is interesting.

“Why don’t we just upgrade the Android devices?”

I won’t attack you (I am not a “fandroid”, for that matter... honestly, anyone who uses those kinds of terms is more likely the fanboy in the conversation anyway), but I would like to see some proof, if you have it.