
It actually isn’t easier to build stable software on iOS compared to Android, especially when you are only designing for a single hardware design either way.

Can you really call a company who does all of its manufacturing and money holding outside of the US... a US company?

Sometimes, it is OK to be an asshole.

Really? What if the something the other people enjoy is, I dunno... robbery? Or My Little Pony?

Ah, nostalgia for high school...

You just spent an awful lot of words to say that free speech has no exceptions... except for these exceptions.


The sugar variants are, invariably, better tasting.

I don’t know, a one time 30% fee from every sale to permanently host your game on their server, host updates and all of that... seems fairly reasonable.

Well, by that definition, what country does have free speech? There are exceptions in every country, including the US.

I wouldn’t consider “while drunk” the best time to think about your life choices.

Depending upon where they live in the world... they could be. Some countries do, in fact, criminalize hate speech.

But what if they enjoy mocking those who are doing something they enjoy?

I... I had forgotten that was happening.

That is a lot more human interaction than I expected.

Dr. Pepper is the best of the main 3 (Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper). But, I like all 3... though I don’t drink them as much as when I was younger. I like sweet things less and less as time goes by.

Crystal Pepsi was amazing. I know it really was just missing the dyes to give it color, but it always tasted better to me.

Stranger Things is amazing, I am halfway through and enjoying it quite a bit.

To be fair, piracy is not taking something without paying for it, it is copying something without license to do so. The license to do so costs money. So you aren’t taking something, you are violating their rights to distribute copies in exchange for money by making your own copy.

Power fantasies sell very well. Realistic portrayals of real life... not as much.