
Even in the US alone, preventing 100 deaths a day by adopting autonomous cars would be quite the feat.

Well, some places have public transportation... the vast, vast majority have essentially no public transit.

Why don’t we not take it more extreme, because doing that is ridiculous and not a valid argument against something?

In a situation where the choice seems most likely to be “all or none” (as in all automated or none are)... I will absolutely choose the “all” option.

The process is called “growing up”.And it allows you to determine what is excellent art from what is trashy, infantile schlocko-tainment.

I can see why. Change.

Why would Microsoft care that a few of you want that? You will either move to Windows 10 when support is dropped for 7/8/8.1, or you will move to another OS. It isn’t like they are making money off of you sitting on Windows 7, it is costing them money.

Yeah, they do make the local account a little less obvious. Not really the way I would have designed the setup, but what can you do.

That particular McDonald’s location that sold that unfortunate cup of coffee was found to have lowered their coffee temps to around 155f after the case, just so you know.

Except, see, that even the studies done by McDonald’s themselves showed that consumers were completely unaware the coffee was hot enough to cause that kind of damage in seconds.

Yeah. I mean, I don’t know a whole lot about my car so I prefer to let the somewhat professional people maintain it for me... but if I wanted to do it, I could.

What lagging application support? I have yet to run anything that doesn’t work just fine, same with hardware. Anything remotely recent should run just fine (hell, you can find videos of it running on a Pentium 4).

It wasn’t a literal counterpoint, just a phrasing.

Since their own terms say they can require updates with no further notification...

I don’t disagree, repairing computers (mostly macs, due to our customer base and salesmen) is a part of my job and user errors are abundant on the PC side.

Even if you multiply the number by 10, it is still rare.

It doesn’t expose all of your data or anything like that. That is just fearmongering.

A few hundred incidents, compared to countless millions of installs, does still leave them as rare instances you know.

So, your business is doing well because of user errors?

If the OS warns you more than once, and even has a consistent notification in the notification center, how exactly is it not working on a schedule you said was OK?