
It essentially is a lighter, more agile Windows 7... with more features despite being lighter on resources.

Coffee is supposed to be hot... but not hot enough to melt skin.

If you are using the OS and agreed to its ToS, they have expression permission. Welcome to the world of licensed software.

You gave it your permission simply by using the OS, you know.

They didn’t alter any of her possessions... you don’t own the software on your laptop, you license it. So they altered their own possession.

Counterpoint: With every iteration since XP, they have made the UX better and easier to use.

You can choose to have your Microsoft ID as your login... or use the regular old local stuff. They aren’t forcing one or the other, despite what that person makes it sound like.

Counterpoint: It is quite possibly the best OS UX ever.

Man, I don’t see any “slipping in a slippery bathroom” deaths on that chart... how are you comparing numbers?

I am correct, I only included gun-related homicides... and no, I wasn’t using the CDC study because there are more recent numbers available.

“Unintentional falling deaths” ≠ “slippery bathroom deaths”.

The line in the sand is wherever the individual company wants it drawn.

That isn’t true... by quite a large margin. You are several times more likely to be killed by a gun than slipping and dying in the bathroom.

To be fair, I think the concept of “right” becomes a little less relevant when one side is blowing up subways and stuff, purposefully targeting civilians.

The freedom of speech is already suppressed nearly anywhere not controlled by the government. What about it?

Those are nice, they would be on my radar if I needed a laptop.

Have you tried refreshing Windows on the laptop? Could help, if it isn’t a failing hardware problem.

Still makes no sense. If the PC can do everything, and more, that the Mac can... how is the Mac more functional to you? I can understand if you mean you like it more... but more functional? Bizarre claim.

I am rather curious how something with objectively less functionality (compared to a Windows PC) can be more functional.

Assuming a post-scarcity society is possible, in such a society the people producing those things would be the ones who enjoy doing it.