
Actually, no, they aren’t criminals. At least, not in the sense the word is being used. They violated a civil law, which is why they get sued rather than being arrested and brought into a federal criminal trial.

White chocolate is infinitely superior depending upon the application.

Add 3 more zeroes to that. I said $320 billion.

You should check how much it costs to get stuff into orbit.

Fried birds?

“Free”. Read: Most expensive option.

I feel bad that the first thing I thought was “Huh, wasn’t even a red shirt.”

Well, to be fair, I didn’t say that everyone should upgrade everything they have. Some machines can’t handle it (or parts of the machines can’t) and some software can’t. If any of that is important to the user, they should stick with what they have until things change... or their hardware dies.

You and me both.

I only see one picture of pizza, why did you post a picture of a revolting looking casserole?

That seems more like a Dell issue than a Windows one, though.

The first iPhones were amazing compared to anything else, they really were. Basically invented the touchscreen phone market as we know it. It’s only been in the past *year* that Linux has managed to catch up to the quality of compositor that the first iPhones had. Funnier still that the Linux developer who works on

I can’t remember a significant period of my life where I wasn’t playing games, but I still remember the first game I played that I truly loved... I remember my dad bringing home a new game in a plastic bag from whatever game store existed back in the 80's for me. He got it for me because he knew I liked to read

That isn’t a pizza, it is a casserole masquerading as something good to eat.

I do too. Even though I will probably only get the NX and the Neo, since I have a good PC and Microsoft keeps bringing their exclusives to PC making a Scorpio kinda superfluous.

We’ve seen it with the phone market, where Apple was clearly better, but Android managed the slow march. Servers, same thing; early server Linux was also bad. Media centers are the latest one, with TV manufacturers packaging smart Linux-based systems into ‘Smart TVs’.

Same with Steam, unless Valve closes its doors for some reason. Everyone knows Steam, everyone uses Steam (not literally everyone, but a significant enough margin that it is close enough). It isn’t going anywhere.

I have heard of situations where the automatic update fails, have you tried using the install tool instead?

“GoG is the future. Steam will crush under its own burden soon enough. Valve absolutely refuses to drive any more forward thinking consumer friendly policies now that they have their market share and money. I trust them with “unlocking” my purchases when they shut down as much as I do Microsoft at this point.”

It has been outselling every console from last generation, minus the Wii (because good luck with that), in the same time period so... it has never not been doing fine, I guess?