
Chevy Chase, he’s not.

I inhaled my coffee at this one. I am alive and still laughing.

Part of me has the perverse desire to see Davidson attempt to enforce this NDA only for both parties to double down on it all the way to the Supreme Court, mostly because seeing this buffoon trying to act respectable in a courtroom would be the only funny comic routine he’s ever performed.

It seems like this guy’s entire persona/brand is him being really self-aware and self-deprecating. Like, he knows he’s pretty fucked up and a goof and he doesn’t take himself too seriously. It’s difficult to overstate how much this bullshit completely goes against that, not to mention how completely fucking unearned

What if I sneak in? I mean, I didn’t sign anything. But I am sneaking in. It’s a moral gray area, but maybe one that won’t get me sued? So hard to know.

That seems unenforceably broad, although actually enforcing it probably isn’t the point - it’s intimidation.

Threatening to sue at the first sign of criticism is truly the sign of a great artist.

Surely this would fail any sort of “The Man on the Clapham Omnibus”/ Reasonable Person test in court? It would be entirely unreasonable to prevent someone from criticising a public event via an NDA solely issued to avoid public embarrassment of people once again acknowledging said comedian is rather unfunny in many

I beg your pardon, but Andrew didn’t just see action - he saw so much action that he was incapable of sweating. For decades.

There’s a great play called King Charles III, which is done in the style of a Shakespeare history play but is about Charles taking over the throne. 

Not all --- oh, shit - you’re right.

It is past time for an end to the parasites that call themselves ‘royalty’. They are no better than any common person, and, it is now clear, perhaps vastly worse in every possible way. Such spectacle as a personage with a crown is not worth the collective shame of the child-raping antics that go with it.

Or by, you know, wrapping it. Seriously. How hard can it be to carry a few condoms in your wallet when you know you’re going out to try to get laid? He’s way too old for this kind of irresponsible nonsense.

I suspect in the deepest recesses of his heart and mind Joe wishes Hunter rather than Beau was the one who died. 

Men are horrible.

Everyone once in a while I’ll read an article about Remini and her anti-Scientology campaign and I’ll catch myself thinking “move on from this already,” but then I remember that the people behind Scientology are fucking evil and ruin peoples’ lives and I think - actually Leah, continue to fuck their shit up and don’t

I think it’s so shitty how none of the Royal Family showed up for Edward’s wedding to Wallis. I mean, Bertie gave them what they wanted - nice happy family to carry on the succession - would that not suffice? Were they really that pissed he chose not to be miserable and marry the person he loves?

ETA: oof wait. Or was


Philip does not come from Nazis. Some of his sisters married Nazis. His mother and at least one sister were heavily involved in resistance work, and he was commended for bravery for his actions in the Royal Navy during WWII.

Since we are talking about royalty (and thus people who better than us) why limit ourselves to conventional ideas of what being fired entails. Their termination of duty needs to be one suitable to their elevated social positions. So let’s send these s blue blooded creeps off in style!