
I loved that play! 

Actually, I loved the part where he suffered by sleeping on couches in a hunting lodge. 

He needs to keep Dreyfus’s name out of his mouth. Raping a child is not equal to being persecuted for being a Jew.

Thank you! Ive been wondering why the pot squat for some time now. 

Little tiny wires holding open the little tiny eyelids?

So Hills is an old woman but Burnes not? Lol

Because some women can’t afford to strike what with kids who need daycare, diapers, food, several jobs and no child support.

Nope she was not supported by the state party but by sander's supporters who truly madly deeply believe she will win. #Revolution #solidarity

I love you.

umm. WTF? Tearing down a lying crazy woman? Supportive of her getting some strong therapy.

I'm not seeing all that much support from White Women, or Jewish Women, or Women of color.

Jew here, and I hope you can see this cuz I'm in the greys, but I would kill for that hair. I went to Israel with my slightly wavy, frizzy hair and had major jealousy for the girls with the curls. Damn.

I heard her speak here in SLC and she stated that she was raped daily and that evil bitch of a wife of her kidnapper held Elizabeth down while she was being raped.

Most of us Jews dislike and don’t follow that woman hating crap. Haredim, Ultra Orthodox Jews are just as fucked up as Polygs and Fundamentalist Christians. And who do I have to screw to get out of the Greyson. ::Adoring look at Lord of The Comments::

Same guy who changed handsome young Michael Jackson into a freak of nature?

I thought Amal self consciously running her fingers through her hair and attempting to smile during the festivities was a little off putting. I don't give a crap if she is a world famous international lawyer. She's in the Hollywood spotlight now.

Liberals are humorless? Watch Jon Stewart and Bill Maher lately?

Thank you for posting this. I'm with ha 100%

Does Sarah realize that Hadassah is a Hebrew name for "Esther"?

or all those White boys who murdered kids in schools, shot a congresswoman and shot up a movie theater. They should have just pulled their sagging pants up and had their parents foster a more positive environment..amirite?