
Is this Bill Cosby?

Whoopie has not been on the side of abuse victims lately.

Maybe Whoopie can take some time to talk about how it wasn't "murder murder" in Ferguson.

I said this on another post, but you are all invited to check that when a Utah (Mormon bishop) legislator was caught and admitted that he hot tubbed naked with an underage girl, he was given a standing ovation by the other legislators upon his early retirement. Even in Middle America that lauds "family values" people

My mothers a punctuation

Michael Jackson...

I've been the victim of sexual harassment and abuse by someone older and in power. My thoughts (as a young woman) were "oh, that was my fault, I probably led him on." Abuse and the reactions to it are varied.

I'm in a blended family and I would have loved and still would love if my husband would confront his kids about their disrespectful treatment of me in the early part of our marriage. He is not comfortable confronting (unless it is in a courtroom) so he pretty much is blind to the pain it has caused over the years. So,

I think i love you. Can i buy you a non fat vanilla latte when we meet?

thank you for saying what you did. I had a childhood full of abuse and neglect and still thought deep inside, that if I had just been a better daughter everything would have been different. My mother is now 94, still pretty healthy but just told my brother that she never wanted children. I am hurt, but believe that,

nope, still love him. In fact I love him more now.

thank you. Sick of the Jew Hate while the Muslim terrorists are seen as freedom fighters. Get a life. Israel exists. Go build infrastructure instead of terror tunnels.

preach, sistah!

Here in Utah the proud patriots get three days to set off illegal fireworks, the day before, the day of and the day after. Also they have a Mormon day when they discovered Salt Lake City on the 24th and get to set off fireworks for three more days. All sold by Polygamist families mainly. Great for PTSD for our vets

there ya go! Use the gay imagery and scare the poor thing! Win!

Sorry you don't get the in jokes that we Joos who own all the banks make. Go paint some swastikas on a synagogue while we continue to pass out free bigot cards to our own.

hey fellow Joo Girls, we forgot Drake! Does he get a pass, too?

what the fuck? Jewish bigots get a pass? Check yourself! No one gets a pass, including you with that anti Semitic shit.